lenra-io / website

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[Task] Create blog pages #77

Open taorepoara opened 1 year ago

taorepoara commented 1 year ago

What should be done

Create a sub part to the website for blog articles like designed here: https://www.figma.com/file/1TeGq312pT4ZIiRn5u6iYU/03_ipsoon%26lesdevs?node-id=1041%3A13736&t=53DAHQkFrXyxOdPS-1

Each article has a github account as an author who is the file creator.

The blog url is https://www.lenra.io/blog/

Technical recommandation

To get the file creator, get the first commit of the file with the GitHub API (needs authentication): https://api.github.com/repos/lenra-io/articles/commits?path=articles/yaml-better-then-json/README.md

The commit could also be found with git but not the author infos: git log --reverse --format="%H" -1 articles/yaml-better-then-json/README.md

The modifications in the article project will generate the article pages and dispatch an event to the website project to rebuild the website.

Ecological concerns

If possible do not manage articles with a backoffice but with static generations.