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Error when viewing helm release details outside of default namespace #4773

Open sjdrc opened 2 years ago

sjdrc commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Error when viewing helm release that is not in default namespace

Failed to get release details: the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "kube-system". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation. the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "kube-system". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Apps > Releases
  2. Click on a release that is in a namespace other than default
  3. See error

Expected behavior I see the page to view and edit the release details

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Logs: When you run the application executable from command line you will see some logging output. Please paste them here:

Your logs go here...

Kubeconfig: Quite often the problems are caused by malformed kubeconfig which the application tries to load. Please share your kubeconfig, remember to remove any secret and sensitive information.

your kubeconfig here

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

Do you mean to say version 3.5.4 or do you mean 5.3.4? I tried this with the latest release (currently 5.3.4) and was unable to reproduce.

darkpixel commented 2 years ago

I think the bug title might be a bit off.

All my releases are in the 'default' namespace and I'm running into this issue:

Screenshot from 2022-01-31 12-31-07

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

@darkpixel Thanks, yeah that is definitely a bug and not what I got from reading the OP.

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

@darkpixel Can you confirm that you are running 5.3.4?

darkpixel commented 2 years ago


Screenshot from 2022-02-01 12-38-57

sjdrc commented 2 years ago

Yep sorry for the typo, I'm also running that version

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

I was not able to reproduce this, I installed the nginx-ingress chart from the bitnami repo in both default and kube-system namespaces, and I tried setting the child resource namespaces as well to a different namespace from the namespace that was in the dropdown while installing the chart.

How did you install the chart?

darkpixel commented 2 years ago

I installed the chart using the 'Charts' section in Lens. Here's the strange part. I just noticed that if I click on one release it opens just fine. If I click on a 'broken' release it fails to load. If I go back and click on the original release that worked, it now fails.

I'll try to grab a video. Give me a minute.

darkpixel commented 2 years ago

Correction to my previous comment: The release that (I think) was installed by Digital Ocean when setting up the cluster b0rks everything. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/158380/152199480-d1f0fd2e-4ae9-4cbe-85ad-8224798d0317.mp4

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

@darkpixel Thanks very much for the addition info. It looks like there are two issues:

  1. we are not trying to reload the release once one fails
  2. One of the releases fails to load.

Question about the metrics-server chart that fails to load, what happens when you run the following commands in your terminal:

helm get manifest metrics-server-### --namespace default --kubeconfig <path/to/kubeconfig>

and then run, and paste the above output in?

kubectl get --namespace default --kubeconfig <path/to/kubeconfig> -f - --output json
darkpixel commented 2 years ago


    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "automountServiceAccountToken": true,
            "kind": "ServiceAccount",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:15Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                "namespace": "default",
                "resourceVersion": "27984097",
                "uid": "dfc1975b-e96b-4b71-81c7-14d889be5dc4"
            "secrets": [
                    "name": "metrics-server-1635347713-token-5w4cq"
            "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
            "kind": "ClusterRole",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:15Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                "resourceVersion": "27984098",
                "uid": "f0bf9a4d-bb89-4de7-a00d-12f1199fe2b4"
            "rules": [
                    "apiGroups": [
                    "resources": [
                    "verbs": [
                    "apiGroups": [
                    "resources": [
                    "verbs": [
            "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
            "kind": "ClusterRole",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:15Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12",
                    "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-admin": "true",
                    "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-edit": "true",
                    "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-view": "true"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713-view",
                "resourceVersion": "27984099",
                "uid": "900e26de-c50c-4c12-9864-ceec8d186742"
            "rules": [
                    "apiGroups": [
                    "resources": [
                    "verbs": [
            "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
            "kind": "ClusterRoleBinding",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:15Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713-auth-delegator",
                "resourceVersion": "27984102",
                "uid": "bdd5fd4c-9231-4aae-b25a-52bf01f748e0"
            "roleRef": {
                "apiGroup": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
                "kind": "ClusterRole",
                "name": "system:auth-delegator"
            "subjects": [
                    "kind": "ServiceAccount",
                    "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "namespace": "default"
            "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
            "kind": "ClusterRoleBinding",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:15Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                "resourceVersion": "27984103",
                "uid": "6197ad9d-029f-494f-a973-7eb805276032"
            "roleRef": {
                "apiGroup": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
                "kind": "ClusterRole",
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713"
            "subjects": [
                    "kind": "ServiceAccount",
                    "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "namespace": "default"
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Service",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:16Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                "namespace": "default",
                "resourceVersion": "27984106",
                "uid": "f45f0474-f3b9-4859-9b49-40232dba8659"
            "spec": {
                "clusterIP": "",
                "clusterIPs": [
                "ipFamilies": [
                "ipFamilyPolicy": "SingleStack",
                "ports": [
                        "name": "https",
                        "port": 443,
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "targetPort": "https"
                "selector": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server"
                "sessionAffinity": "None",
                "type": "ClusterIP"
            "status": {
                "loadBalancer": {}
            "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
            "kind": "Deployment",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision": "6",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2021-10-27T15:15:16Z",
                "generation": 6,
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                "namespace": "default",
                "resourceVersion": "33080235",
                "uid": "9e8c1d8b-b924-4ae2-a6a7-20a4c4718ddd"
            "spec": {
                "progressDeadlineSeconds": 600,
                "replicas": 1,
                "revisionHistoryLimit": 10,
                "selector": {
                    "matchLabels": {
                        "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                        "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server"
                "strategy": {
                    "rollingUpdate": {
                        "maxSurge": "25%",
                        "maxUnavailable": "25%"
                    "type": "RollingUpdate"
                "template": {
                    "metadata": {
                        "creationTimestamp": null,
                        "labels": {
                            "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                            "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                            "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                            "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                    "spec": {
                        "affinity": {
                            "podAntiAffinity": {
                                "preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
                                        "podAffinityTerm": {
                                            "labelSelector": {
                                                "matchLabels": {
                                                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                                                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server"
                                            "namespaces": [
                                            "topologyKey": "kubernetes.io/hostname"
                                        "weight": 1
                        "containers": [
                                "args": [
                                "command": [
                                "image": "docker.io/bitnami/metrics-server:0.5.1-debian-10-r29",
                                "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
                                "livenessProbe": {
                                    "failureThreshold": 3,
                                    "httpGet": {
                                        "path": "/livez",
                                        "port": "https",
                                        "scheme": "HTTPS"
                                    "periodSeconds": 10,
                                    "successThreshold": 1,
                                    "timeoutSeconds": 1
                                "name": "metrics-server",
                                "ports": [
                                        "containerPort": 8443,
                                        "name": "https",
                                        "protocol": "TCP"
                                "readinessProbe": {
                                    "failureThreshold": 3,
                                    "httpGet": {
                                        "path": "/readyz",
                                        "port": "https",
                                        "scheme": "HTTPS"
                                    "periodSeconds": 10,
                                    "successThreshold": 1,
                                    "timeoutSeconds": 1
                                "resources": {},
                                "securityContext": {
                                    "readOnlyRootFilesystem": false,
                                    "runAsNonRoot": true
                                "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
                                "terminationMessagePolicy": "File"
                        "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
                        "restartPolicy": "Always",
                        "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
                        "securityContext": {},
                        "serviceAccount": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                        "serviceAccountName": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                        "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30
            "status": {
                "availableReplicas": 1,
                "conditions": [
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2021-10-27T15:15:16Z",
                        "lastUpdateTime": "2022-01-11T05:46:12Z",
                        "message": "ReplicaSet \"metrics-server-1635347713-d67fc7458\" has successfully progressed.",
                        "reason": "NewReplicaSetAvailable",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Progressing"
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-02T02:35:38Z",
                        "lastUpdateTime": "2022-02-02T02:35:38Z",
                        "message": "Deployment has minimum availability.",
                        "reason": "MinimumReplicasAvailable",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Available"
                "observedGeneration": 6,
                "readyReplicas": 1,
                "replicas": 1,
                "updatedReplicas": 1
            "apiVersion": "apiregistration.k8s.io/v1",
            "kind": "APIService",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2022-01-11T05:45:02Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "metrics-server",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "metrics-server-5.10.12"
                "name": "v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io",
                "resourceVersion": "33080297",
                "uid": "df09b24a-46dc-49a2-8ff1-8894cfb942da"
            "spec": {
                "group": "metrics.k8s.io",
                "groupPriorityMinimum": 100,
                "insecureSkipTLSVerify": true,
                "service": {
                    "name": "metrics-server-1635347713",
                    "namespace": "default",
                    "port": 443
                "version": "v1beta1",
                "versionPriority": 100
            "status": {
                "conditions": [
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-02-02T02:35:43Z",
                        "message": "all checks passed",
                        "reason": "Passed",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Available"
    "kind": "List",
    "metadata": {
        "resourceVersion": "",
        "selfLink": ""
error: the namespace from the provided object "kube-system" does not match the namespace "default". You must pass '--namespace=kube-system' to perform this operation.

Also kubectl version:

kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.2", GitCommit:"8b5a19147530eaac9476b0ab82980b4088bbc1b2", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-09-15T21:38:50Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.9", GitCommit:"b631974d68ac5045e076c86a5c66fba6f128dc72", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-01-19T17:45:53Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

Ah, so is the kind APIService under apiVersion apiregistration.k8s.io/v1 a cluster scoped on namespace scoped resource kind?

It looks like it might be a namespace scoped resource but it doesn't specify its namespace from helm

darkpixel commented 2 years ago

No idea. You've gone too deep into Kubernetes for me. ;)

Nokel81 commented 2 years ago

what is the output of kubectl api-resources for you?

darkpixel commented 2 years ago
NAME                               SHORTNAMES     APIVERSION                             NAMESPACED   KIND
bindings                                          v1                                     true         Binding
componentstatuses                  cs             v1                                     false        ComponentStatus
configmaps                         cm             v1                                     true         ConfigMap
endpoints                          ep             v1                                     true         Endpoints
events                             ev             v1                                     true         Event
limitranges                        limits         v1                                     true         LimitRange
namespaces                         ns             v1                                     false        Namespace
nodes                              no             v1                                     false        Node
persistentvolumeclaims             pvc            v1                                     true         PersistentVolumeClaim
persistentvolumes                  pv             v1                                     false        PersistentVolume
pods                               po             v1                                     true         Pod
podtemplates                                      v1                                     true         PodTemplate
replicationcontrollers             rc             v1                                     true         ReplicationController
resourcequotas                     quota          v1                                     true         ResourceQuota
secrets                                           v1                                     true         Secret
serviceaccounts                    sa             v1                                     true         ServiceAccount
services                           svc            v1                                     true         Service
challenges                                        acme.cert-manager.io/v1                true         Challenge
orders                                            acme.cert-manager.io/v1                true         Order
mutatingwebhookconfigurations                     admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1        false        MutatingWebhookConfiguration
validatingwebhookconfigurations                   admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1        false        ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
agents                             agent          agent.k8s.elastic.co/v1alpha1          true         Agent
customresourcedefinitions          crd,crds       apiextensions.k8s.io/v1                false        CustomResourceDefinition
apiservices                                       apiregistration.k8s.io/v1              false        APIService
apmservers                         apm            apm.k8s.elastic.co/v1                  true         ApmServer
controllerrevisions                               apps/v1                                true         ControllerRevision
daemonsets                         ds             apps/v1                                true         DaemonSet
deployments                        deploy         apps/v1                                true         Deployment
replicasets                        rs             apps/v1                                true         ReplicaSet
statefulsets                       sts            apps/v1                                true         StatefulSet
tokenreviews                                      authentication.k8s.io/v1               false        TokenReview
localsubjectaccessreviews                         authorization.k8s.io/v1                true         LocalSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectaccessreviews                          authorization.k8s.io/v1                false        SelfSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectrulesreviews                           authorization.k8s.io/v1                false        SelfSubjectRulesReview
subjectaccessreviews                              authorization.k8s.io/v1                false        SubjectAccessReview
horizontalpodautoscalers           hpa            autoscaling/v1                         true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler
cronjobs                           cj             batch/v1                               true         CronJob
jobs                                              batch/v1                               true         Job
beats                              beat           beat.k8s.elastic.co/v1beta1            true         Beat
certificaterequests                cr,crs         cert-manager.io/v1                     true         CertificateRequest
certificates                       cert,certs     cert-manager.io/v1                     true         Certificate
clusterissuers                                    cert-manager.io/v1                     false        ClusterIssuer
issuers                                           cert-manager.io/v1                     true         Issuer
certificatesigningrequests         csr            certificates.k8s.io/v1                 false        CertificateSigningRequest
ciliumclusterwidenetworkpolicies   ccnp           cilium.io/v2                           false        CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy
ciliumegressnatpolicies                           cilium.io/v2alpha1                     false        CiliumEgressNATPolicy
ciliumendpoints                    cep,ciliumep   cilium.io/v2                           true         CiliumEndpoint
ciliumexternalworkloads            cew            cilium.io/v2                           false        CiliumExternalWorkload
ciliumidentities                   ciliumid       cilium.io/v2                           false        CiliumIdentity
ciliumlocalredirectpolicies        clrp           cilium.io/v2                           true         CiliumLocalRedirectPolicy
ciliumnetworkpolicies              cnp,ciliumnp   cilium.io/v2                           true         CiliumNetworkPolicy
ciliumnodes                        cn,ciliumn     cilium.io/v2                           false        CiliumNode
leases                                            coordination.k8s.io/v1                 true         Lease
endpointslices                                    discovery.k8s.io/v1                    true         EndpointSlice
elasticsearches                    es             elasticsearch.k8s.elastic.co/v1        true         Elasticsearch
enterprisesearches                 ent            enterprisesearch.k8s.elastic.co/v1     true         EnterpriseSearch
events                             ev             events.k8s.io/v1                       true         Event
ingresses                          ing            extensions/v1beta1                     true         Ingress
dnsendpoints                                      externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1            true         DNSEndpoint
flowschemas                                       flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1   false        FlowSchema
prioritylevelconfigurations                       flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1   false        PriorityLevelConfiguration
kibanas                            kb             kibana.k8s.elastic.co/v1               true         Kibana
elasticmapsservers                 ems            maps.k8s.elastic.co/v1alpha1           true         ElasticMapsServer
nodes                                             metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1                 false        NodeMetrics
pods                                              metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1                 true         PodMetrics
alertmanagerconfigs                               monitoring.coreos.com/v1alpha1         true         AlertmanagerConfig
alertmanagers                                     monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         Alertmanager
podmonitors                                       monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         PodMonitor
probes                                            monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         Probe
prometheuses                                      monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         Prometheus
prometheusrules                                   monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         PrometheusRule
servicemonitors                                   monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         ServiceMonitor
thanosrulers                                      monitoring.coreos.com/v1               true         ThanosRuler
ingressclasses                                    networking.k8s.io/v1                   false        IngressClass
ingresses                          ing            networking.k8s.io/v1                   true         Ingress
networkpolicies                    netpol         networking.k8s.io/v1                   true         NetworkPolicy
runtimeclasses                                    node.k8s.io/v1                         false        RuntimeClass
poddisruptionbudgets               pdb            policy/v1                              true         PodDisruptionBudget
podsecuritypolicies                psp            policy/v1beta1                         false        PodSecurityPolicy
clusterrolebindings                               rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1           false        ClusterRoleBinding
clusterroles                                      rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1           false        ClusterRole
rolebindings                                      rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1           true         RoleBinding
roles                                             rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1           true         Role
priorityclasses                    pc             scheduling.k8s.io/v1                   false        PriorityClass
volumesnapshotclasses                             snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1        false        VolumeSnapshotClass
volumesnapshotcontents                            snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1        false        VolumeSnapshotContent
volumesnapshots                                   snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1        true         VolumeSnapshot
csidrivers                                        storage.k8s.io/v1                      false        CSIDriver
csinodes                                          storage.k8s.io/v1                      false        CSINode
csistoragecapacities                              storage.k8s.io/v1beta1                 true         CSIStorageCapacity
storageclasses                     sc             storage.k8s.io/v1                      false        StorageClass
volumeattachments                                 storage.k8s.io/v1                      false        VolumeAttachment
sjdrc commented 2 years ago

Just to add - I got this running a brand new k3s cluster. Strangely the issue seems to be sporadic - sometimes it will randomly work but usually I get some error message.

MissedTheMark commented 1 week ago

I just had this (or something very similar) occur when trying to view a release on my local kind cluster - the release details were viewable, then I upgraded my chart and got a Failed to load release: Release mychart didn't exist in default namespace message, despite the namespace not changing. Uninstalling and reinstalling the chart made no difference.

I updated Lens to 2024.7.161041-latest and now it's fine. Unfortunately I can't tell if it was the update or the restart that fixed it!