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kafka-server-stop and zookeeper-server-stop don't work inside container #118

Closed AlexVPopov closed 4 years ago

AlexVPopov commented 5 years ago

When I enter a running Lenses Box container zookeeper-server-stop and kafka-server-stop don't seem to work.

docker exec -it lenses-box bash
zookeeper-server-stop #=> No zookeeper server to stop
kafka-server-stop #=> No kafka server to stop

Is this expected behavior? What is the proper way to restart Zookeeper and Kafka in Lenses Box?

Thank you.

georgettica commented 4 years ago

Disclaimer: I am a user of fdd that just wants to help, so my answer may be incorrect.

Firstly, How much did you investigate this issue?

If I understand correctly the processes were started by supervisord, which might cause these scripts to fail. To manually stop the process. try to do ps -elf | grep kafka and then kill the pid of the relevant processes.

Regardless maybe there should be an alternative script to do this operations if this one doesn't work.

As I found out you can run the command:

supervisorctl status ## to see the services
supervisorctl stop/start/restart service-name ## to do operations on a service

To do the operation of restarting the service you want

AlexVPopov commented 4 years ago

Hello @georgettica and thank you for your help. I haven't looked into this issue since I filed it, so I'm closing it.

georgettica commented 4 years ago

I'm glad we closed the issue. Just to clarify, did you solve the issue?

AlexVPopov commented 4 years ago

Since I've opened the issue I haven't tested this again, so I cannot confirm this. Would the need for me arise to restart kafka/zookeeper, I'd try your advice.

georgettica commented 4 years ago

Okay :) Hopefully one day this issue will help someone.