lensesio / kafka-topics-ui

Web Tool for Kafka Topics |
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Have a basic docker-compose file that includes kafka-rest to use against an existing Kafka cluster #23

Open jeffwidman opened 7 years ago

jeffwidman commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to get kafka-topics-ui running on my laptop for quick dev/debug purposes against an existing Kafka cluster that doesn't have kafka-rest.

It'd be nice if there was a simple docker-compose file that stood up both the kafka-topics-ui and the kafka-rest client, handled connecting them, and just needed to be passed a zookeeper address plus a desired kafka-topics-ui http endpiont, and (optionally) a kafka schema registry url. No need for anything more as robustness/latency doesn't matter in this type of situation.

While I can (and am) going through the hassle of setting this up myself, I suspect this is a very common usecase, so you'd increase adoption by making it super easy to get going.

Antwnis commented 7 years ago

On the Docker side - you should better check out the capabilities of our


We are aiming with this container to provide both a kafka-development-environment for every developer but at the same time we have discussed with @andmarios to have the capability in that docker to attach itself to your existing cluster

jeffwidman commented 7 years ago

You're welcome to point me that way, but frankly I don't have any interest in it. We have our own heavily customized docker setups for our kafka cluster, and we don't need anything else for development. The GUI is just a nice-to-have for sanity checking.

From a marketing perspective, I can tell you that if I have to tell my coworkers spin up this and spin up that, it's a lot less likely to happen than if I tell them "just run this one docker-compose command and pass in the zookeeper for the cluster you want to examine"

Antwnis commented 7 years ago

I appreciate the point. Would u rather have

andmarios commented 7 years ago

@jeffwidman, if I may ask, on which version of Kafka are you and do you use Apache Kafka or Confluent's distribution?

Providing a docker-compose file that spawns a REST Proxy for Kafka should be straightforward lest any surprises.

jeffwidman commented 7 years ago

If it were me, I'd do a single docker-compose file that spins up two docker images, one for kafka-topics-ui and one that's just the off-the-shelf confluent kafka-rest Docker image. That way it's simple, composable (easily modified by end users), and tracks upstream without a lot of extra maintenance on your part.

We are currently in the midst of migrating our Kafka cluster from 0.8.2 to (I'm aware that kafka-rest won't work with 0.8.2) We use Apache Kafka.

Antwnis commented 7 years ago

We were investigating a docker-compose issue. Kafka-REST comes with new v2 APIs - that the latest version of topics-ui utilizes to provide a better topic browsing experience (i.e. go to particular offset of a partition).

Kafka-REST requires need an additional option bootstrap.servers=PLAINTEXT://broker:9092 that is not documented well.

I think the best will be to add a section in the README.md with docker-compose instructions @andmarios please close this ticket once we have documented up

jeffwidman commented 7 years ago

I'm confused...

I think the best will be to add a section in the README.md

Why not just ship an actual docker-compose.yml file as part of this repo, as requested in the issue description?

OneCricketeer commented 2 years ago
