lensh / vue-qq

🎨 Vue family bucket with socket.io and express/koa2 , create a web version of mobile QQ, supporting real-time group chat, real-time private chat, special care, shielding chat, smart IP geographic location, real-time display temperature and other QQ core functions
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IP地址定位和天气接口 #19

Open lensh opened 6 years ago

lensh commented 6 years ago

一、IP地址定位 1.自动获取IP地址和地理位置: (1) 接口1:http://1212.ip138.com/ic.asp (2) 接口2(淘宝IP地址库):http://ip.taobao.com/ipSearch.php 2.通过IP地址获取地理位置 参考 http://ip.taobao.com/instructions.php ,可以得到以下接口 接口:http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=[ip地址字串] 二、天气接口 1.通过聚合数据,可以申请免费的天气接口 2.新浪的接口:http://php.weather.sina.com.cn/xml.php?city=%B1%B1%BE%A9&password=DJOYnieT8234jlsK&day=0 其中city是经过urlencode后的城市名称,如 北京->%B1%B1%BE%A9,会返回一个xml格式的数据