lensh / vue-qq

🎨 Vue family bucket with socket.io and express/koa2 , create a web version of mobile QQ, supporting real-time group chat, real-time private chat, special care, shielding chat, smart IP geographic location, real-time display temperature and other QQ core functions
MIT License
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关于开发环境怎么配置url端口8080?我是nginx服务器,默认80端口 #28

Open situmill opened 5 years ago

situmill commented 5 years ago

我想在开发环境用的是: 在生产环境用得是: 能不能详细说一下要怎么做?打包后放自己服务器上,这个8080端口不加,生产环境接口都是404,页面可以打开。开发环境加上8080是正常的。

lensh commented 4 years ago
