Open guoh1988 opened 5 years ago
I'll look into it ASAP.
kubectl get cs
的结果使用的是1.11.0的版本 在剩下的两个master节点上直接使用kubectl get nodes/cs/ep/pods 查看基本信息会出现查询超时
error execution phase preflight: [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred:
[ERROR Port-10251]: Port 10251 is in use
[preflight] If you know what you are doing, you can make a check non-fatal with --ignore-preflight-errors=...
cp: cannot stat ‘/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf’: No such file or directory
unable to recognize "STDIN": Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
i use similar solution. it seems keepalived LVS cause this problem config keepalived as "all backup, nopreempt" can fix this
按照文档部署集群 1.使用power off 和shutdown关闭管理节点apiserver会在10S内切换。 2.物理机直接关闭电源虚拟机直接通过控制台关闭电源,会出现apiserver5min以上不可用,虚拟IP可以正常切换(关闭kube-controller-manager,kube-scheduler所选主的那个节点)还请帮忙确认下