lentinj / ie-vm

modern.ie VMs under KVM/QEMU
MIT License
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Support Windows Dev Center VMs #11

Open lentinj opened 5 years ago

lentinj commented 5 years ago

There's a similar setup here for evaluating writing UWP apps:


Support downloading these VMs also.

lentinj commented 10 months ago

Rough notes:

wget -c --content-disposition 'https://aka.ms/windev_VM_virtualbox'
cat WinDev2308Eval.VirtualBox.zip | funzip | tar -xv
qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 *.vmdk WinDev2308Eval.qcow2
./start.sh --efi WinDev2308Eval.qcow2

The --content-disposition is probably the main bug that needs fixing

lentinj commented 10 months ago

"Microsoft Defender Antivirus", not "Windows Defender Antivirus"

qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F qcow2 -b "WinDev2308Eval.qcow2" moo.qcow2