lento / spam

Spark Project & Asset Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Closes #16 #34

Closed MrPetru closed 14 years ago

MrPetru commented 14 years ago

this is a example of working sidebar "project tree" using jsTree plug-in

MrPetru commented 14 years ago

I don't understand ... what am I wrong? this will be need to close the issue 16 ... why this doesn't?

MrPetru commented 14 years ago

maybe I need to do this in commit comment?

lento commented 14 years ago

yes, to automatically close an issue you have to put "Closes #[number]" in the commit message. (for this pull request I'll add a commit and put the comment in it, no worries)

And note that when you do a commit, the commit is in your repo, while the issues are in my repo: the issue will be closed only when I pull your commit in my repo!