Closed Licenser closed 10 years ago
I noticed that the redundant manager application does not honor the log configuration. This causes problems when leofs runs in an environment where the ./ directory is not owned by leofs and logs are in a centralized location (like /var/log or /log)
deps/leo_redundant_manager/include/leo_redundant_manager.hrl 154:-define(DUMP_FILE_MEMBERS, "./log/ring/members.dump.").
deps/leo_redundant_manager/src/leo_redundant_manager.erl 372: FileName = ?DUMP_FILE_MEMBERS ++ integer_to_list(leo_date:now()),
Thank you for posting the issue. I'll improve and modify that.
I have fixed this issue, which will be included in LeoFS v0.16.1.
I noticed that the redundant manager application does not honor the log configuration. This causes problems when leofs runs in an environment where the ./ directory is not owned by leofs and logs are in a centralized location (like /var/log or /log)