[enter image description here][1]<option ng-repeat=" item in groupData" value="{{item.sso_access_type}}" title="{{allow}}">{{item.sso_access_type}}</option>-->
as per this code The output which I got in Firefox is
`<option ng-repeat=" item in groupData" value="S_Adv-Type6" title="Read-Only Access, S Budgets , S Billing" class="ng-binding ng-scope">S_Adv-Type6</option>`
`<option ng-repeat=" item in groupData" value="S_Adv-Type6" title="Read-Only Access, S Budgets , S Billing" class="ng-binding ng-scope">S_Adv-Type6</option>`
You can see the title for both option become same I want it to be diffrent as in controller.
I want to dynamically apply popover on options of select tag not on select tag but on options here is my code
You can further refer to this code in which i need to apply tooltip
[enter image description here][1]<option ng-repeat=" item in groupData" value="{{item.sso_access_type}}" title="{{allow}}">{{item.sso_access_type}}</option>-->
as per this code The output which I got in Firefox is
You can see the title for both option become same I want it to be diffrent as in controller.
below is my image link I want like this [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/P32Zl.jpg