ChatPilot is a web-based chatbot powered by machine learning and web scraping, designed to provide intelligent replies based on scraped website data. It uses Python with Hugging Face for training the bot, FastAPI for API development, and React for the user interface. This combination enables real-time, context-aware interactions that enhance user
step1 - At root folder (/chatpilot) - create a folder named bot which will be in react -
hint - In terminal go to root folder and npx create-react-app bot
step2 - Find a template that matches our needs (optinal -- use already available components )
hint - flowbite or shadccn
step1 - At root folder (/chatpilot) - create a folder named bot which will be in react - hint - In terminal go to root folder and npx create-react-app bot
step2 - Find a template that matches our needs (optinal -- use already available components ) hint - flowbite or shadccn