leodesigner / espNowFloodingMeshLibrary2

ESP8266/ESP32 ESPNOW/Broadcast Arduino Flooding mesh library
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Will ESP NOW Mesh Support 1000 nodes Connected in a line(Street Light) each 50-100 meter apart #10

Open mightChamp opened 1 month ago

leodesigner commented 1 month ago

The TTL limited to one byte, so probably you can reach up to 255 nodes. But with modifications of TTL field it should be possible to reach over 1000 nodes.



mightChamp commented 1 month ago

Thanks for response, I need to send data to specific node, but there is no function to do that, How Can I do this?

VladCiocan commented 2 days ago

The TTL limited to one byte, so probably you can reach up to 255 nodes. But with modifications of TTL field it should be possible to reach over 1000 nodes.



So if ttl would be 2 bytes(max 65k) could we go to 3-4k nodes? Do you think there are other limitations?

leodesigner commented 2 days ago

In theory, this is the only limitation to my knowledge. I think, it make sense to create a virtual test config without implementing it in hardware.

VladCiocan commented 2 days ago

I'm currently trying to implement it on heltec wireless tracker cause I want the nodes to share sensor data plus gps position. But i'm having a lot of compatibility issues. Any suggestions?

leodesigner commented 1 day ago

I'm currently trying to implement it on heltec wireless tracker cause I want the nodes to share sensor data plus gps position. But i'm having a lot of compatibility issues. Any suggestions?

It's hard for me to guess, the code should be compatible with the new framework version and compile under platformio.org.

Any particular error you are getting?