leofabri / hassio_appliance-status-monitor

🔌 Detect the state of your appliances based on their power consumption ✨
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Input select to normal state #16

Closed injectx closed 2 years ago

injectx commented 2 years ago

Just finished installing my dishwasher and using this template it has become a smart one, super nice! I've got notifications setup on my phone and my gf's phone, everything working as it should.

Small question, (and I'm not an expert) but is it possible to have the 'State Machine' display normal instead of being a input selector?


So not like the bottom one but like the top one. I'm hoping you'll understand what I mean. Thanks.

leofabri commented 2 years ago

Hey @injectx! I think I have the right solution for you.

I see that you created a visual entity that points directly to the state machine. However, by doing that, you are allowing the user to manually alter the current state via the UI (like you demonstrated in the photo above)... which is something that should be avoided, or it'll break things for sure!

For this reason, I am now adding some documentation that will guide the user through the configuration of a way to translate each State Machine's state to something to show to the user.

Here's a short guide just for you that are waiting

There are at least two ways of doing that

1. First way: Create a sensor

You could create a sensor inside of .yaml file inside of packages:

  - sensor:
      - name: <Your Appliance Name> Current State - Translated
        unique_id: <your_appliance_name>_current_state_translated
        state: >
              -- Extended state translation macro --

            This macro translates each state into something more human-readable.
            The following lines define how each state should be translated:
              <state>: <translation to whatever I like>
            This is very useful, as it allows you to customize how each state should be displayed on the UI.

          {%- macro extended_state_machine_translation(state) -%}
          {% set STATE_MACHINE_TRANSLATION = {
            "unplugged": "is unplugged",
            "idle": "is Idle but ready",
            "paused": "has been paused and waiting to resume the pending job",
            "detached_overload": "has been detached temporarily since it caused an overload on the grid",
            "job_ongoing": "is currently is washing the laundry",
            "job_completed": "has finished washing",
          } %}
          The <Your Appliance Name> {{ STATE_MACHINE_TRANSLATION[state]}}
          {%- endmacro -%}
          {{ extended_state_machine_translation(states('input_select.<your_appliance_name>_state_machine')) | default('Unknown') }}.
        icon: "mdi:<your_appliance_icon>"
 WARNING! Make sure to replace all the fields those of your appliance. Look for these
  - <Your Appliance Name>   ->   (Example: Washing Machine)
  - <your_appliance_name>_state_machine   ->   (Example: washing_machine)
  - <your_appliance_icon>   ->   (Example: washing-machine)

2. Second way: Translate in the UI

You can translate the state right from the UI.

Example with a markdown card:

type: markdown
content: |-
  {% set state_machine_ref = "input_select.washing_machine_state_machine" %}
  {% if is_state(state_machine_ref, 'unplugged') %}
  {% elif is_state(state_machine_ref, 'idle') %}
  {% elif is_state(state_machine_ref, 'paused') %} 
  Paused waiting to resume
  {% elif is_state(state_machine_ref, 'detached_overload') %}
  Detached temporarily, overload detected
  {% elif is_state(state_machine_ref, 'job_ongoing') %}
  Washing in progress
  {% elif is_state(state_machine_ref, 'job_completed') %}
  Washing complete
  {% endif %}
title: Washing Machine Status

Example with custom:button-card

type: custom:button-card
entity: input_boolean.washing_machine_job_cycle
icon: mdi:washing-machine
name: Washing Machine
label: |
    return states['sensor.washign_machine_power'].state + " W";
  action: none
show_label: true
color: rgb(28, 128, 199)
  - value: 'off'
    color: firebrick
        - filter: opacity(50%)
        - filter: grayscale(100%)
  - value: 'on'
    color: '#25CCF7'
        - animation: blink 4s ease infinite
    - width: 150px
    - height: 150px
    - color: gray
    - font-size: 12px
    - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l" "job-status"'
    - grid-template-columns: 1fr
    - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content
    - align-self: center
    - text-align: center
    - width: 100px
    - justify-self: center
    - font-weight: bold
    - font-size: 14px
    - justify-self: start
    - padding-left: 10px
      - align-self: start
      - justify-self: middle
      - font-size: 12px
      - padding: 8px
      - line-break: auto
      - display: block
      - white-space: initial
      - text-overflow: initial
      - overflow: initial
  job-status: |-
      let state = states['input_select.washing_machine_state_machine'].state;
      if (state == 'idle'){
        return `<ha-icon
        style='width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #273c75'>
        </ha-icon> Idle, ready`;
      } else if (state == 'unplugged'){
        return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #487eb0;">
        </ha-icon> Unplugged`;
      } else if (state == 'paused') {
        return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #f39c12;">
        </ha-icon> Paused. Waiting for the washing process to resume...`;
      } else if (state == 'detached_overload') {
        return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #c0392b;">
        </ha-icon> Overload! Detached temporarily`;
      } else if (state == 'job_ongoing') {
        return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #e1b12c;">
        </ha-icon> Washing in progress...`;
      } else if (state == 'job_completed') {
        return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #2ecc71;">
        </ha-icon> Washing completed`;
      return "NA";

As always, remember to Edit the entities to match yours

injectx commented 2 years ago

Thank you! Seems like a nice solution. Great blueprint btw, definitely makes my appliances smarter.

leofabri commented 2 years ago

You are welcome!