leogomezz4t / PyTextNow_API

Python texting API utilizing TextNow API
MIT License
71 stars 42 forks source link

can't clone #46

Closed ouam3r closed 3 years ago

ouam3r commented 3 years ago


Everytime I try to > git clone https://github.com/WuGomezCode/TextNow-API.git

I end up with this :

remote: Repository not found.

fatal: repository 'https://github.com/WuGomezCode/TextNow-API.git/' not found

Can you please help? Thanks in advance

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago

Yes sorry I changed my username since I've updated that link. Replace WuGomezCode with leogomezz4t

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago


ouam3r commented 3 years ago

Sorry to ask dumb questions but I would like to know how to run the script as I am new to Python ;(. If you have sometime later tomorrow and be kind to share some steps on how to install it and configure it. I appreciate your support on this.

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago

Not quite sure what you mean by runnign the script but heres what you do to run a python script, open a command terminal and enter python script.py sometimes it is python3 script.py

To include the package in your file. Either use pip to install it and use import pytextnow or clone it into the folder where your script is

ouam3r commented 3 years ago

Sorry for not explaining it in better way.

So, I have managed to run this line > git clone https://github.com/leogomezz4t/TextNow-API.git as a first step, then I went to recover the user name and the cookies and updated the user_cookies.json file, I saved it and ran this command >> client.send_sms("number", "Hello World!") and I got this error message " bash: syntax error near unexpected token `"number",' "

What did I miss?

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago

Could you copy the whole trace log and post it here

ouam3r commented 3 years ago

mk007@D34D3ND:~$ sudo git clone https://github.com/leogomezz4t/PyTextNow_API Cloning into 'PyTextNow_API'... remote: Enumerating objects: 948, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (405/405), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (239/239), done. remote: Total 948 (delta 260), reused 291 (delta 162), pack-reused 543 Receiving objects: 100% (948/948), 16.11 MiB | 861.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (574/574), done. mk007@D34D3ND:~$ ls Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public PyTextNow_API Templates Videos YANDEX-BROWSER-KEY.GPG mk007@D34D3ND:~$ cd PyTextNow_API/ mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API$ l examples/ get_cookie.mp4 get_username.mp4 LICENSE MANIFEST.in pytextnow/ README.md requirements.txt setup.py mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API$ ls examples get_cookie.mp4 get_username.mp4 LICENSE MANIFEST.in pytextnow README.md requirements.txt setup.py mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API$ cd pytextnow/ mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ ls error.py init.py login.py message_container.py message.py multi_media_message.py TNAPI.py user_cookies.json mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ cat user_cookies.json {"leojwu18": {"sid": "s%3AeAXhdKRMXEKUFDmd1xYLoIqxR2dHSAIL.tlVkIiG1%2BXtF%2Bt9Lgw%2Fcr78KDliOLzCYfgC6BM7eAo0", "csrf": "s%3AsHuuA5YYh8_5BNSAjYR7PPTt.I8lIB2yFZOB35GMI7NuI57tEzN604FYoG3qNcGZ2d%2Fk"}}mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ client.auth_reset()

^C mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ cat user_cookies.json {"leojwu18": {"sid": "s%3AeAXhdKRMXEKUFDmd1xYLoIqxR2dHSAIL.tlVkIiG1%2BXtF%2Bt9Lgw%2Fcr78KDliOLzCYfgC6BM7eAo0", "csrf": "s%3AsHuuA5YYh8_5BNSAjYR7PPTt.I8lIB2yFZOB35GMI7NuI57tEzN604FYoG3qNcGZ2d%2Fk"}}mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ sudo nano user_cookies.json mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ client.send_sms("12127290149", "Hello World!") bash: syntax error near unexpected token "12127290149",' mk007@D34D3ND:~/PyTextNow_API/pytextnow$ client.send_sms("+12127290149", "Hello World!") bash: syntax error near unexpected token"+12127290149",'

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago

you need to open python or create a python file and import pytextnow

leogomezz4t commented 3 years ago

Like this File: test.py

import pytextnow
client = Client("username", cookies and whatnot)

and run it with python3 test.py

ouam3r commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much Sir, I appreciate your support. Just for clarification in this line : ("username", cookies and whatnot). username name is my textnow username, right? What should go in cookies and whatnot? What's syntax of it?