leoherzog / WundergroundStationForwarder

🌦️ Google Apps Script code to send your weather station data to Wunderground, Windy, PWSWeather, Weathercloud, OpenWeatherMap, WindGuru, and/or CWOP
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Failed Execution #3

Closed moulari closed 3 years ago

moulari commented 3 years ago


First of all great project been looking for something like this for quite some time.

I can't seem to get the forwarding to work

for Weathercloud I get

TypeError: (intermediate value).inTomm is not a function at updateWeathercloud(forwarder_pwskattau2:119:111)

for PWSWeather I get

Exception: Invalid Argument: http://www.pwsweather.com/pwsupdate/pwsupdate.php?ID=PWSKATTAU&PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxx&dateutc=2020-12-11%2019:57:18&tempf=35.7&windspeedmph=0&winddir=179&baromin=29.44&dewptf=34.7&humidity=96&uv=0 at updatePWSWeather(forwarder_pwskattau2:97:30)

Note: Password is correct, just changed it for the copy and paste!


leoherzog commented 3 years ago

I think you just found a typo! Sorry about that. Change the second-to-last line from:

Number.prototype.inTohmm = function() { return this * 25.4; } to Number.prototype.inTomm = function() { return this * 25.4; }

And see if that works?

moulari commented 3 years ago

Thanks, works flawlessly now.

PWSWeather, ist not reporting,

I get

Exception: Invalid argument: http://www.pwsweather.com/pwsupdate/pwsupdate.php?ID=PWSKATTAU&PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&dateutc=2020-12-14%2010:16:18&tempf=41.3&windspeedmph=0&winddir=122&baromin=29.94&dewptf=39.7&humidity=94&uv=0
    at updatePWSWeather_(forwarder_pws_kattau2:97:30)

If i copy that string: http://www.pwsweather.com/pwsupdate/pwsupdate.php?ID=PWSKATTAU&PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&dateutc=2020-12-14%2010:16:18&tempf=41.3&windspeedmph=0&winddir=122&baromin=29.94&dewptf=39.7&humidity=94&uv=0 and paste it into the brwoser address bar i get a page with the message: Data Logged and posted in METAR mirror.

Note: Password is correct, just changed it for the copy and paste!

leoherzog commented 3 years ago

Hrm. If you change the UTC date (around line 88) in the updatePWSWeather_() function from:

request += '&dateutc=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');


request += '&date=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'yyyyMMdd');
request += '&time=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'HHmm');

does it work?

leoherzog commented 3 years ago

Hrm. I was able to get it working with all three parameters. If you have these three lines, does it work for you?

request += '&dateutc=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
request += '&date=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'yyyyMMdd');
request += '&time=' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(station.obsTimeUtc), 'UTC', 'HHmm');
moulari commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the support

hm.. i tried the changes to the PWSWeather Function, but no change. I even created a new station in PWSWeather but no change. Still the same issue

Exception: Invalid argument: http://www.pwsweather.com/pwsupdate/pwsupdate.php?ID=PWSKATTAU&PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&dateutc=2020-12-14%2010:16:18&tempf=41.3&windspeedmph=0&winddir=122&baromin=29.94&dewptf=39.7&humidity=94&uv=0
    at updatePWSWeather_(forwarder_pws_kattau2:97:30)

If I just post the URL into the browser I get the same message as mentioned before and if I do that manually every 5 minutes the station in PWSWeather reports as active. Since the URL works for the reporting it seems not to be a problem with the parameters rather with the posting of the URL.

leoherzog commented 3 years ago

Okay. I don't have a weather station of my own with all of these features, so I can't test it myself. What about if you change

if (station.uv != null) request += '&uv=' + station.uv;


if (station.uv != null) request += '&UV=' + station.uv;

in the PWSWeather function? You can remove the &date= and &time= lines.

leoherzog commented 3 years ago

I did some testing, I think this change might be the ticket. When you get a minute, @moulari, give 'er a shot and let me know if that fixes it for you!

leoherzog commented 3 years ago

I believe this is working now.