I was wondering if there is anything like emacs speedbar or emacscodebrowser like support that would w/ with the ggtags gnu_global eco system. Thanks for any pointers.
I seek a side window that shows me definitions in a file along w/ a list of all my files with a "+" sign I can expand to reveal (or hide) definitions for each file. Thanks.
I think if you use ggtags-build-imenu-index for imenu-create-index-function these packages will be able to at least use ggtags for some of their features. Not tested though just guessing.
I was wondering if there is anything like emacs speedbar or emacscodebrowser like support that would w/ with the ggtags gnu_global eco system. Thanks for any pointers.
I seek a side window that shows me definitions in a file along w/ a list of all my files with a "+" sign I can expand to reveal (or hide) definitions for each file. Thanks.
or https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SpeedBar