I am using nvim-dap-go and neotest-golang ontop of astronvim. I think I am adding all the necessary configuration but for some reason it is not working I tried reading the dap logs but can't figure out what the issue is
return {
dependencies = {
-- build debugger from source
version = "1.x",
build = "npm i && npm run compile vsDebugServerBundle && mv dist out",
config = function()
require("dap-go").setup {}
require("dap-vscode-js").setup {
debugger_path = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/lazy/vscode-js-debug",
adapters = { "pwa-node", "pwa-chrome", "pwa-msedge", "node-terminal", "pwa-extensionHost" },
for _, language in ipairs { "typescript", "javascript", "vue" } do
require("dap").configurations[language] = {
-- attach to a node process that has been started with
-- `--inspect` for longrunning tasks or `--inspect-brk` for short tasks
-- npm script -> `node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/.bin/vite dev`
-- use nvim-dap-vscode-js's pwa-node debug adapter
type = "pwa-node",
-- attach to an already running node process with --inspect flag
-- default port: 9222
request = "attach",
-- allows us to pick the process using a picker
processId = require("dap.utils").pick_process,
-- name of the debug action you have to select for this config
name = "Attach debugger to existing `node --inspect` process",
-- for compiled languages like TypeScript or Svelte.js
sourceMaps = true,
-- resolve source maps in nested locations while ignoring node_modules
resolveSourceMapLocations = {
-- path to src in vite based projects (and most other projects as well)
cwd = "${workspaceFolder}/src",
-- we don't want to debug code inside node_modules, so skip it!
skipFiles = { "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/**/*.js" },
type = "pwa-chrome",
name = "Launch Chrome to debug client",
request = "launch",
url = "http://localhost:5173",
sourceMaps = true,
protocol = "inspector",
port = 9222,
webRoot = "${workspaceFolder}/src",
-- skip files from vite's hmr
skipFiles = { "**/node_modules/**/*", "**/@vite/*", "**/src/client/*", "**/src/*" },
-- only if language is javascript, offer this debug action
language == "javascript"
and {
-- use nvim-dap-vscode-js's pwa-node debug adapter
type = "pwa-node",
-- launch a new process to attach the debugger to
request = "launch",
-- name of the debug action you have to select for this config
name = "Launch file in new node process",
-- launch current file
program = "${file}",
cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
or nil,
Neotest config
return {
dependencies = {
"fredrikaverpil/neotest-golang", -- Installation
opts = function(_, opts)
if not opts.adapters then opts.adapters = {} end
local goConfig = { dap_go_enabled = true } -- Specify configuration
table.insert(opts.adapters, require "neotest-vitest"(require("astrocore").plugin_opts "neotest-vitest"))
table.insert(opts.adapters, require "neotest-golang"(goConfig))
I am using
ontop of astronvim. I think I am adding all the necessary configuration but for some reason it is not working I tried reading the dap logs but can't figure out what the issue isnvim-dap config
Neotest config