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Rendering yield monitor #34

Open ClintHerndon opened 4 months ago

ClintHerndon commented 4 months ago

I attempted to render the 07 yield monitor project we completed in class so I could view the html while working on assignment 5 simultaneously. When I tried to render the project it ran for 20+ minutes but never completed. I was curious if anybody else had attempted rendering it and ran into a similar problem, or if anybody had any suggestions as to how to possibly get it to complete

KVUGA commented 4 months ago

I will add to the same problem, whenever I am trying to render the file, the addDrawToolbar option of digitizing opens up, and I have to edit the map in a new chrome page, again and again. Any relevant help to resolve it would be great.

leombastos commented 4 months ago

@ClintHerndon which script are you rendering? On my side, when I call mapview() on the sf object of the yield data, it takes a few seconds to run. If you are rendering a script that has many mapview calls on that object, it may take a while to run depending on the computer.

leombastos commented 4 months ago

@KVUGA if you are rendering a script that has active code for digitizing (with editMap()), then it won't render. It launches the editing view and stops there. For you to render a script, you will need to delete/comment off the editmap part of the code.

ClintHerndon commented 4 months ago

@leombastos when I attempt to render the 07 yield monitor script this is what displays but it never advances past this to render the script to an html file

rendering issue
KVUGA commented 4 months ago

@KVUGA if you are rendering a script that has active code for digitizing (with editMap()), then it won't render. It launches the editing view and stops there. For you to render a script, you will need to delete/comment off the editmap part of the code.

It is not working. The thing is, when I try to delete or comment off the edit map of the code, rending doesn't happen. It says "execution halted". So, I am in a loop of either going back again and agian to editing map or simply unable to generate a html file.