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Final Project Question #57

Open dcurles12 opened 2 months ago

dcurles12 commented 2 months ago

In class, when editing the yield data and making maps we used "filter (yield<3000)". Does anyone know where we got the number 3000 from? And how we should calculate that number for the data set we are given for the project?

KVUGA commented 2 months ago

I would like to know the answer of this question as well.

Reneliza commented 2 months ago

Does this question relate to the 07 yield monitor within the code for yield editor? I believe that line of code was for better visualization of the static or interactive map and does not modify the data for the other process. I don't know how was the value of 3000 lb/ac determined too. I wonder because the maximum yield is around 4200 lb/ac.

yieldmap_raw_int <- yield17_w %>% filter(yield_lbac < 3000) %>% mapview(zcol = "yield_lbac", col.regions = viridis(3), alpha.regions = 1, cex = .1, lwd = 0, map.types = "Esri.WorldImagery" )

KVUGA commented 2 months ago

Yes, the code and the question we are discussing here is from 07 yield monitor. And when you speak of "I believe that line of code was for better visualization of the static or interactive map and does not modify the data for the other process", I agree with you.

But, we still have to determine what would be the suitable limit to be used in the case of our assignment. I have tried using relatively lower value here, and think it to be the right way ahead, but I still can't figure out the basis for it. And becasue of it, further calculations could be affected, and it seems uncharted terretory to me right now. That is why I want to have more opinion here.