I can use json rpc payment_queryFeeDetails or payment_queryInfo to query fee before, but I found these two api are error with
"data" -> "Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasmunreachableinstruction executed..."
now, and I found some doc about below method, but it looks like polkadart are not contain them?, any help?
I can use json rpc
to query fee before, but I found these two api are error with"data" -> "Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: wasm trap: wasm
unreachableinstruction executed..."
now, and I found some doc about below method, but it looks like polkadart are not contain them?, any help?payment
queryFeeDetails(extrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): FeeDetails
queryInfo(extrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): RuntimeDispatchInfoV1