leonardorafael / material-dynamic-colors

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Input multiple color hex? #6

Open joezappie opened 1 month ago

joezappie commented 1 month ago

The material theme builder tool allows you to specify the HEX color for primary, secondary, tertiary, error and extended colors. Looking at the material color utilities library I didn't see anyway to specify these when generating the theme.

Does this library support inputting these multiple colors to generate the theme instead of it automatically picking secondary and tertiary?

joezappie commented 1 month ago

Seems like this should be possible using:

const colors = CorePalette.fromColors({
   primary: argbFromHex("#B4D1FC"),
   secondary: argbFromHex("#987BFF"),
   tertiary: argbFromHex("#2692FF"),
   error: argbFromHex("#ED4545"),
   neutral:  argbFromHex("#D1D1D6"),
   neutralVariant:  argbFromHex("#D1D1D6"),

Theres no built-in theme utility for using multiple colors, but I think themeFromSourceColor could be easily modified to create a themeFromSourceColors function. The built in CorePalette.forColors function does not generate missing colors, so both palettes would need to be generated and combined.

export function themeFromSourceColors(
    source: CorePaletteColors, customColors: CustomColor[] = []): Theme {

  // Generate palette based on custom input colors
  const customPalette = CorePalette.fromColors({ ... });

  // Generate palette based on primary color
  const autoPalette = CorePalette.of(source.primary);

  // Combine into one palette
  const palette = { ...autoPalette, ...customPalette };

  return {
    schemes: {
      light: Scheme.light(source),
      dark: Scheme.dark(source),
    palettes: {
      primary: palette.a1,
      secondary: palette.a2,
      tertiary: palette.a3,
      neutral: palette.n1,
      neutralVariant: palette.n2,
      error: palette.error,
    customColors: customColors.map((c) => customColor(source, c)),

None of this is tested, just from what I gathered looking through the source code.