leonardssh / vscord

😎 Fully customizable VS Code extension to get Discord Rich Presence integration.
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Add .ipynb support #120

Open siritoei opened 1 year ago

siritoei commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't working with Jupyter Notebook .ipynb files? Now, It only shows Idle status.

xhayper commented 1 year ago

ah ig i havent adde ipynb support, will work on it.

siritoei commented 1 year ago

Great job!!, now it works.

xhayper commented 1 year ago

this support for ipynb still needs tons of planning and work, we are planning to support ipynb variables too, so this gonna make a while.

siritoei commented 1 year ago

It showed {filename} of .ipynb when I opened VScode. But after I reload the required extension It doesn't work again and just shows the idle state as before. I will wait. Thank you!

xhayper commented 1 year ago

beware that ipynb is not high priority right now, because v5 just came out, right now trying to find all bug and fix it is high priority,

also ipynb support would require tons of codebase change too

Infinitay commented 10 months ago

I noticed that ipynb is listed within the languages file https://github.com/leonardssh/vscord/blob/main/src/data/languages.json but it still isn't working. At least, when you're running a cell.

xhayper commented 10 months ago

VSCode has intergration with jupyter notebook and requires other api to check the jupyter notebook status which might explain why it doesnt show status when running one

Cyanosite commented 3 months ago

Is this being worked on or does the above mentioned issue prevent this feature from ever working?

AvishakeAdhikary commented 1 month ago

I find it hard to believe that this doesn't work. I just checked @Infinitay 's mentioned link and made a wild guess without checking the actual code that this might be the problem of the catching of regex patterns sequentially and it works fine on other extensions but doesn't work fine on .ipynb files. Someone please confirm if that is the issue.

cataluna84 commented 1 month ago

I am on Ubuntu using VSCode via .deb file installation method, and I can confirm on a new installation of the extension, without the Microsoft's Jupyter Extension for Visual Studio Code, the Jupyter Notebook .ipynb files show the line number and project of the Jupyter Notebook .ipynb files, which in other words works. But as soon as the mandatory Microsoft's Jupyter Extension for Visual Studio Code is installed to run the .ipynb files, the Discord Rich Presence extension stops working, saying on Jupyter Notebook .ipynb files that it is Idling @xhayper

xhayper commented 1 month ago

Jupyter notebook use different api than nornal document thats why we need to add support for it

xhayper commented 1 month ago

I dont have the time nor the motivation to do it right now, i have to prepare to enter a college

cataluna84 commented 1 month ago

I dont have the time nor the motivation to do it right now, i have to prepare to enter a college

Best of luck with the tedious process