leonchen83 / redis-rdb-cli

Redis rdb CLI : A CLI tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline. It can also sync 2 redis data and allow user define their own sink service to migrate redis data to somewhere.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature Request: rmt sync from cluster to single redis #33

Open sgohl opened 2 years ago

sgohl commented 2 years ago


I am looking for the best way to export a full redis-cluster to a single redis instance.

I know: rmt is able to sync a (given) cluster node to a single redis. I also know that rmt is able to fetch the list of CLUSTER NODES and get only the masters with their IPs and Ports, because it's presumably what -m does, otherwise it would not work without the cluster.conf

AFAIK, there is no good/short/clean way to get the cluster masters into a bash list.

look how ugly it would be, to sync all keys from all cluster masters into a single redis:

HOSTS=$(redis-cli -a ${REDIS_DEST_PASS} -h ${REDIS_DEST} -p ${REDIS_DEST_PORT} -c cluster nodes | grep master | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d'@')

for HOST in $HOSTS
  rmt -s redis://default:${REDIS_DEST_PASS}@${HOST} -m redis://${REDIS_STAGE} -r -d 0

This works, but I'm curious if you could

1) provide a command to output the list of cluster masters in a cleaner approach, and possibly, 2) implement this loop (i mean, the complete sync/migration) with rmt , like this:

rmt -s redis://default:password@AnyClusterMember:Port -m redis://Target-Single-Redis:Port -r

I think, rmt should safely be able to always check if the source is a cluster or not and proceed to work as "expected" where in case source is a single, proceed as usual. in case its a cluster, fetch the masters, and loop over them repeating the usual bgsave and dump to target. This should seemlessly work, even if the target is also a cluster

leonchen83 commented 2 years ago

Hi This is a good idea. But we need to consider more about how we handle master switch to replica. and how other CLI command add cluster support.

  1. provide a command to output the list of cluster masters in a cleaner approach, and possibly,

yes. we can add above command to get cluster masters and do more than that : provide a series commands to manage all cluster nodes.

implement this loop (i mean, the complete sync/migration) with rmt , like this: rmt -s redis://default:password@AnyClusterMember:Port -m redis://Target-Single-Redis:Port -r

if we provide that command can get cluster masters. users can wirte their own shell to loop masters.