leoncx / testmigrate

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Object management => STATS #166

Closed leoncx closed 9 years ago

leoncx commented 9 years ago

Author Name: bourdeau frank (bourdeau frank) Original Redmine Issue: 6089, https://forge.centreon.com/issues/6089 Original Date: 2015-01-14

Hi all,

I've modified centreonCentbrokerCfg.class.php file. I added stats option in line 193. So now it's possible to a add stats object for centreon broker module and set parameters also to this object.

possible commands are: addstats, setstats, liststats

Example of use: addstats => $centreon_clapi_path/centreon -u $centreon_clapi_user -p $centreon_clapi_passwd -o CENTBROKERCFG -a addstats -v "poller-module;centreon-broker-module-stats;stats" setstats => $centreon_clapi_path/centreon -u $centreon_clapi_user -p $centreon_clapi_passwd -o CENTBROKERCFG -a setstats -v "poller-module;1;fifo;/var/lib/centreon-broker/centreon-broker-module-stats.pipe" setstats => $centreon_clapi_path/centreon -u $centreon_clapi_user -p $centreon_clapi_passwd -o CENTBROKERCFG -a setstats -v "poller-module;1;type;stats" liststats => /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-clapi/core/centreon -u admin -p centreon -o CENTBROKERCFG -a liststats -v "poller-module" id;name 1;centreon-broker-ge1-module-stats getfieldlist => /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-clapi/core/centreon -u admin -p centreon -o CENTBROKERCFG -a getfieldlist -v "stats" field id;short name;name 33;fifo;File for Centeron Broker statistics;text gettypelist => /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-clapi/core/centreon -u admin -p centreon -o CENTBROKERCFG -a gettypelist -v "stats" type id;short name;name 23;stats;Statistics

Can you update centreon-clapi and also the documentation, please? Thanks