leongersen / noUiSlider

noUiSlider is a lightweight, ARIA-accessible JavaScript range slider with multi-touch and keyboard support. It is fully GPU animated: no reflows, so it is fast; even on older devices. It also fits wonderfully in responsive designs and has no dependencies.
MIT License
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Format with wNumb seems to reset the second handle position #1203

Closed stratboy closed 2 years ago

stratboy commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm sure I'm doing domething wrong.. As soon as I add format with wNumb, second handles of two different sliders, both are resetted to zero position. Values inside the sliders are ok, they correctly follow the expected range, but the second handle gets moved on zero position on init. Here's some code:

      if(this.filter_data.datatype == 'integer'){ format = wNumb({ decimals: 0 }); }
      if(this.filter_data.datatype == 'float'){ format = wNumb({ decimals: 1 }); }

      noUiSlider.create(this.slider, {
        start: [range.min, range.max],
        connect: true,
        snap: true,
        tooltips: true,
        range: range,
        format: format


"3.125%": 350
"6.25%": 400
"9.375%": 450
"12.5%": 500
"15.625%": 550
"18.75%": 600
"21.875%": 650
"25%": 700
"28.125%": 800
"31.25%": 850
"34.375%": 900
"37.5%": 950
"40.625%": 1000
"43.75%": 1100
"46.875%": 1150
"50%": 1200
"53.125%": 1300
"56.25%": 1350
"59.375%": 1400
"62.5%": 1500
"65.625%": 1800
"68.75%": 1900
"71.875%": 2000
"75%": 2200
"78.125%": 2300
"81.25%": 2500
"84.375%": 3400
"87.5%": 3600
"90.625%": 5000
max: Array [ 6800 ]
min: Array [ 300 ]

"2.4390243902439024%": 0.4
"4.878048780487805%": 0.6
"7.317073170731707%": 0.8
"9.75609756097561%": 1
"12.195121951219512%": 1.2
"14.634146341463415%": 1.5
"17.073170731707318%": 1.8
"19.51219512195122%": 2
"21.95121951219512%": 2.2
"24.39024390243902%": 2.5
"26.829268292682922%": 3
"29.268292682926823%": 3.5
"31.707317073170724%": 4
"34.14634146341463%": 4.2
"36.58536585365853%": 4.5
"39.02439024390243%": 5
"41.46341463414633%": 6
"43.90243902439023%": 7
"46.341463414634134%": 8
"48.780487804878035%": 9
"51.219512195121936%": 9.5
"53.65853658536584%": 10
"56.09756097560974%": 11.5
"58.53658536585364%": 12
"60.97560975609754%": 15
"63.41463414634144%": 18
"65.85365853658534%": 19
"68.29268292682924%": 22
"70.73170731707314%": 25
"73.17073170731705%": 29
"75.60975609756095%": 30
"78.04878048780485%": 31
"80.48780487804875%": 35
"82.92682926829265%": 40
"85.36585365853655%": 47
"87.80487804878045%": 60
"90.24390243902435%": 120
"92.68292682926825%": 148
max: Array [ 400 ]
min: Array [ 0 ]

Without format:

Schermata 2022-05-20 alle 18 01 17

With format:

Schermata 2022-05-20 alle 18 00 59

How to solve?

stratboy commented 2 years ago

I've just solved: I saved min/max values as arrays, and probably wNumb can't convert them. By saving them as numbers, it works. Still, I don't fully understand a couple of things:

leongersen commented 2 years ago

What's happening in your case is that wNumb is stricter than the default format on the slider; the array values you are providing for handles get cast to string, then handled as numbers without a format set. With a wNumb format, they get parsed as false, which ends up as 0 when cast to a Number.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.