leongersen / noUiSlider

noUiSlider is a lightweight, ARIA-accessible JavaScript range slider with multi-touch and keyboard support. It is fully GPU animated: no reflows, so it is fast; even on older devices. It also fits wonderfully in responsive designs and has no dependencies.
MIT License
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Issue related to "Connect" option after last version update #1276

Closed galSzlaifer closed 4 days ago

galSzlaifer commented 5 days ago

Hi @leongersen , Big thanks for all the support and effort in building and maintaining this great lib. I wanted to ask something regarding this update - Update connect option · Issue #1269 · leongersen/noUiSlider (github.com) we are using this lib via wrapper lib --> ng2-nouislider. after updating the nouislider lib to the 15.8.1 version that was by npm install ,some inner app E2E failed. The Issue is not connected to the wrapper we use (no update was there) but is more connected to a "drag behavior" that was added to the slider.

looking at the source code I see an add code on line 3078 - https://github.com/leongersen/noUiSlider/blob/faa3252f84d3e2416ba43ba49b2de91b9112ce80/src/nouislider.ts#L3078

I think this is the root for the issue we have , we are calling the "updateOptions" line 2995 and passing an object to the "connect" option ... it worked up until version 15.8.0.

From this update, we must update the code and change the "connect" option to false ... to avoid entering this section. question is ... was that the intention of this update? is there a way not to get that "drag " true other than to update the "connect" option to false?

Thanks Gal

leongersen commented 5 days ago

The connect option could not be updated previously; it can be, now.

Passing an object with an additional property into methods like this won't break anything, except for when a meaning is added for that property later, as happened here.

I don't consider this a breaking change.

galSzlaifer commented 4 days ago

Thanks for response