leonhard-s / auraxium

A high-level Python wrapper for the PlanetSide 2 API.
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Cannot pass conditions with @client.trigger() #39

Closed LordFlashmeow closed 3 years ago

LordFlashmeow commented 3 years ago

When using the @client.trigger(EventType.DEATH) (or any other trigger), you cannot pass a list of conditions to filter the websocket events. Here's your event streaming example, with the simplest condition I could find:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

def example_condition(payload):
    if payload['world_id'] == "1":    # I know you can use the world filter via subscription, but this is a simple filter that allows many results
        return True
    return False

async def main():
    @client.trigger(auraxium.EventType.BATTLE_RANK_UP, conditions=[example_condition])
    async def print_levelup(event):
        char_id = int(event.payload['character_id'])
        char = await client.get_by_id(ps2.Character, char_id)

        # NOTE: This value is likely different from char.data.battle_rank as
        # the REST API tends to lag by a few minutes.
        new_battle_rank = int(event.payload['battle_rank'])

        print(f'{await char.name_long()} has reached BR {new_battle_rank}!')


This raises the error

  File "virtualenvs/ps2elo-VDVCoL-1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/auraxium/event.py", line 680, in trigger
    trigger = Trigger(event, *args, name=name, **kwargs)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'conditions'

In the init for Trigger, there's no way to provide conditions, except after initializing the object. As far as I know, it's not possible to modify the trigger object while also using the decorator.


Unless I'm missing something obvious that hasn't been documented, it seems like the easiest thing to do would be something like:

def __init__(self, ..., conditions: List[Union[bool, Callable[[CensusData], bool]]] = None, ...):
    self.conditions: List[Union[bool, Callable[[CensusData], bool]]] = conditions if conditions is not None else []

I'm happy to make a PR to fix this if you want.

leonhard-s commented 3 years ago


This was/is intentional, if a bit arbitrary. I felt like the Trigger class's initialiser was quite cluttered already at the time and didn't want to add too many other kwargs, especially since conditions and the characters/worlds lists do overlap conceptually.

@client.trigger() was meant to be a shorthand that would cover most use cases, with more complex setups being entirely programmatical, or following this pattern:

my_trigger = auraxium.Trigger(auraxium.EventType.BATTLE_RANK_UP)
my_trigger.conditions = [example_condition]

async def print_levelup(event):


You are correct that this isn't properly documented - I am in the process of rewriting the documentation to clarify these areas (which covers the alternate pattern above), but it will take me a few more days/weeks to finish as it also covers the object model.

That said, the current solution is neither elegant nor intuitive, and the limitation is completely arbitrary - so I would be open to adding the conditions= keyword argument to the Trigger class as you suggested.

Feel free to create a PR, otherwise I will add it by the end of the week.

LordFlashmeow commented 3 years ago

Done. I'm also interested in adding some of the event classes in #34, if you'd like a hand.