leonid-pishchulin / poseval

Evaluation of multi-person pose estimation and tracking
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Posetrack2017 local validation in Python #49

Open svenkreiss opened 4 years ago

svenkreiss commented 4 years ago

Hello @leonid-pishchulin , thanks for your eval tool. I have a Posetrack2018 submission and would like to submit to Posetrack2017 for comparison with other prior work. I can write another data-exporter for 2017. Can you confirm that 2018 is a strict superset so I do get all annotations?

How can I verify locally? The 2017 ground truth are matlab files. I dont have matlab. The readme references a mat2json tool. Is that for the ground truth? Is the output of that conversion for the ground truth available somewhere? Would your Python evaluator then work with the converted ground truth and my new 2017 annotations?

svenkreiss commented 4 years ago

For future reference, octave seems to work:

cd matlab
octave --no-gui --eval "addpath('./external/jsonlab'); mat2json('your_relative_path/data-posetrack2017/annotations/val/'); quit"

So far, I have only confirmed that it produces json files. I haven't used them yet.