leonid-pishchulin / poseval

Evaluation of multi-person pose estimation and tracking
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mot error #5

Closed mihaifieraru closed 6 years ago

mihaifieraru commented 6 years ago


what should happen with the variable mot when the following IF statement is False ? https://github.com/leonid-pishchulin/poseval/blob/master/py/eval_helpers.py#L507

at the moment, when either the GT or the prediction is missing, the mot just gets the value of the previous imgidx; unless imgidx=0, in which case you actually get an error.

thanks a lot!

mihaifieraru commented 6 years ago

one can fix it by adding this after https://github.com/leonid-pishchulin/poseval/blob/master/py/eval_helpers.py#L601

        mot = {}
        for i in range(nJoints):
            mot[i] = {}

        for i in range(nJoints):
            ridxsGT = np.argwhere(hasGT[:, i] == True);
            ridxsGT = ridxsGT.flatten().tolist()
            ridxsPr = np.argwhere(hasPr[:, i] == True);
            ridxsPr = ridxsPr.flatten().tolist()
            mot[i]["trackidxGT"] = [trackidxGT[idx] for idx in ridxsGT]
            mot[i]["trackidxPr"] = [trackidxPr[idx] for idx in ridxsPr]
            mot[i]["ridxsGT"] = np.array(ridxsGT)
            mot[i]["ridxsPr"] = np.array(ridxsPr)
            mot[i]["dist"] = np.full((len(ridxsGT), len(ridxsPr)), np.nan)
soulslicer commented 6 years ago

Hey were you able to get pose track evaluation to work with video evaluation? I always get a nan output in the above function. Also I notice that nowhere in the function is the actual pixel positions passed to the mot object.

mihaifieraru commented 6 years ago

Yes, the evaluation works for me. Can you please tell me the command you're running and what exact error you get?

soulslicer commented 6 years ago

Okay, I am currently using the following file which I generated for both ground truth and predictions. eval.tar.gz

As you can see, it currently has the sequence for one video seq: images/bonn/000001_bonn/

This is a dataset that does not have any instance of RIGHT ANKLE.

When I run this with the following command: python evaluate.py -g ../../lmdb/eval_truth/ -p ../../lmdb/eval/ -t

It crashes with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "evaluate.py", line 67, in <module>
  File "evaluate.py", line 53, in main
    metricsAll = evaluateTracking(gtFramesAll,prFramesAll)
  File "/media/raaj/Storage/video_datasets/posetrack_valscripts/py/evaluateTracking.py", line 124, in evaluateTracking
    metricsAll = computeMetrics(gtFramesAll, motAll)
  File "/media/raaj/Storage/video_datasets/posetrack_valscripts/py/evaluateTracking.py", line 85, in computeMetrics
    metricsMid = mh.compute(accAll[i], metrics=metricsMidNames, return_dataframe=False, name='acc')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/motmetrics/metrics.py", line 127, in compute
    df = df.events
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/motmetrics/mot.py", line 231, in events
    self.cached_events_df = MOTAccumulator.new_event_dataframe_with_data(self._indices, self._events)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/motmetrics/mot.py", line 271, in new_event_dataframe_with_data
    raw_type = pd.Categorical(tevents[0], categories=['RAW', 'FP', 'MISS', 'SWITCH', 'MATCH'], ordered=False)
IndexError: list index out of range

I did some debugging, and it seems that if any dataset is completely not having a particular body part annotated, it will crash at that part. You can see that by adding a print here:

        # compute intermediate metrics per joint per sequence
        for i in range(nJoints):
            print i
            metricsMid = mh.compute(accAll[i], metrics=metricsMidNames, return_dataframe=False, name='acc')
            for name in metricsMidNames:
                metricsMidAll[name][0,i] += metricsMid[name]
            metricsMidAll['sumD'][0,i] += accAll[i].events['D'].sum()
soulslicer commented 6 years ago

Also when I try it with single frame, I see that ankle gives me 50%

Evaluation of per-frame multi-person pose estimation Average Precision (AP) metric: & Head & Shou & Elb & Wri & Hip & Knee & Ankl & Total\ &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 & 50.0 & 93.3 \

But my dataset does not even have one of the ankles so how can it give an error. I set the prediction and GT to the same file

leonid-pishchulin commented 6 years ago

I'll look into that

soulslicer commented 6 years ago

Hi @leonid-pishchulin just to check will you be looking into my issue as well?

leonid-pishchulin commented 6 years ago

yeah, but it might be a few days until I get to it

DongJT1996 commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem like this:

Also when I try it with single frame, I see that ankle gives me 50%

Evaluation of per-frame multi-person pose estimation Average Precision (AP) metric: & Head & Shou & Elb & Wri & Hip & Knee & Ankl & Total\ &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 &100.0 & 50.0 & 93.3 \

But my dataset does not even have one of the ankles so how can it give an error. I set the prediction and GT to the same file

leonid-pishchulin commented 6 years ago

the above issues might have been fixed as a part of the update update I pushed yesterday. This update also allows to save evaluation results per sequence. Try again please.