leonidas / transparency

Transparency is a semantic template engine for the browser. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements by id, class and data-bind attributes.
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don't render feature (directive or otherwise) #50

Closed dannyc closed 12 years ago

dannyc commented 12 years ago

Feature request: Would be nice to have ability to not generate dom elements based on a directive or the data object, instead of generating them and setting display: none. This is the equivalent of "if" statements in other template solutions. For example if I have a button or text field to display only if the logged in user is an admin, I'd prefer to skip the render stage and just move on. Something like:

var activities = [
  {activity: 'Jogging'},
  {activity: 'Gym'},
  {activity: 'Sky Diving', render: false},


Would result in:

<ul id="activities">
  <li class="activity">Jogging</li>
  <li class="activity">Gym</li>

Or as a directive: Template:

<div class="person">
  <span class="name"></span>
  <a class="email"></a>


person = {
  firstname: 'Jasmine',
  lastname:  'Taylor',
  email:     'jasmine.tailor@example.com'

directives =
  name:  function(element, index) { return this.firstname + " " + this.lastname; }
  email: function(element, index) { return {render: false, href: "mailto:" + this.email}; }

$('.person').render(person, directives);


<div class="person">
  <span class="name">Jasmine Taylor</span>


pyykkis commented 12 years ago

Hi @dannyc,

Thanks for the feature request and sorry for the late reply, I've been crazy busy lately. The feature request certainly makes sense. I think it through for a couple of days and come back with some ideas.

Cheers, Jarno

pyykkis commented 12 years ago

Here's how you can do it with directives:


people = [
  civil_id: '123456'
  name:     'Foo Bar'
  civil_id: '654321'
  name:     'Fizz Buzz'

admin = true

directives =
  civil_id: text: (p) -> $(p.element).remove() unless admin

$('.people').render people, directives

Tempate (in Jade):



<ul class="people">
    <span class="civil_id">123456</span>
    <span class="name">Foo Bar</span>
    <span class="civil_id">654321</span>
    <span class="name">Fizz Buzz</span>

Civil ID field can be toggled on/off by setting admin to true or false.