leonvogt / hotwire-dev-tools

Browser Dev Tools for Turbo and Stimulus
MIT License
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TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 't.detail.render') #73

Closed mhenrixon closed 2 weeks ago

mhenrixon commented 1 month ago

For the Safari extension, I had to disable the dev tools because they crashed when rendering the detail of what I guess is the frame (not many places call detail.render).

Unfortunately, it is hard to debug it in this project because we are forced to use esbuild. However, it seems to work fine in the other browsers.

So, what I do is:

  1. Fire request that is supposed to update a bunch of html
  2. It applies one or two (sometimes) and then errors like in the below image:

CleanShot 2024-07-31 at 13 09 17@2x. It is pretty standard erb html soup:

<!-- app/views/sell_orders/update_tire_price.turbo_stream.erb -->
<% price = (@sell_order&.work_order || @work_order).todos.sum(:price) %>

<% if @sell_order %>
  <%= turbo_stream.update :existing_tire do %>
    <%= render partial: "sell_orders/existing_tire", locals: { sell_order: @sell_order } %>
  <% end %>

  <%= turbo_stream.update :work_order_todos do %>
    <%= render partial: "sell_orders/work_order_todo", collection: @sell_order.work_order.todos, as: :todo %>
  <% end %>

  <%= turbo_stream.remove_attribute("#sell_order_work_order_price", "disabled") %>
  <%= turbo_stream.set_dataset_attribute("#sell_order_work_order_price", "value", price) %>
  <%= turbo_stream.set_value("#sell_order_work_order_price", price) %>
  <%= turbo_stream.set_attribute("#sell_order_work_order_price", "disabled", "disabled") %>

  <%= turbo_stream.update :sell_order_total_price do %>
    <%= number_to_currency(@sell_order.total_price) %>
  <% end %>

  <%= turbo_stream.update :summary_payment do %>
    <%= render partial: "sell_orders/summary_payment", locals: { sell_order: @sell_order } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
leonvogt commented 1 month ago

Hi @mhenrixon,

Thank you for opening this Issue. I didn't encounter this bug before, will try to reproduce it and see how it can be fixed. I'm curious to see if it's Safari specific or if it's happening on other browsers as well.

mhenrixon commented 1 month ago

To my knowledge, it does not happen in the other browsers, just Safari.

leonvogt commented 1 month ago

To my knowledge, it does not happen in the other browsers, just Safari.

Ok good to know thanks!

I've tried several different Turbo Stream responses but so far couldn't reproduce this issue. Would it be possible for you, to provide a minimal example that reproduces this issue? That works without application specific code. It don't need to be a full app, some snippets would be enough.

Or if that's not possible, could you maybe give some insight on the following questions:

mhenrixon commented 1 month ago

Weird, I'll see if I can try it in a project that is using importmaps. esbuild is complete garbage since everything ends up in application.js with all variables garbled for terseness.

leonvogt commented 1 month ago

Not 100% sure, but the reason for the garbled variable and functions may be the esbuild minify option. Depending on how you've configured esbuild, you maybe can disable the minify like so

mhenrixon commented 1 month ago

Might just be Safari that is messed up! I can't for the life of me figure out what is going on but Safari is behaving weirdly. I switched over to Firefox today for most of the day because of random weird behaviors in Safari.

I'll keep digging but it could be on my side.

leonvogt commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the update.
We can leave this issue open until you have found out whether the error is in the extension or on your side.

mhenrixon commented 3 weeks ago

It is definitely a problem with the Safari plugin:

CleanShot 2024-08-16 at 09 20 17

This does not happen in Firefox or Brave. I am on MacOS 15.1 if that makes a difference:

CleanShot 2024-08-16 at 09 23 34@2x

leonvogt commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @mhenrixon, thanks for the video! I could finally reproduce the error on my side 🎉

It seems connected to the "Monitor Events" feature. Especially to the monitoring of the "turbo:before-fetch-request" event. If I turn off this feature, everything works. When turned on, the same error occurs as you described.

Don't have a solution yet, but I'm on it. Will keep you updated.

leonvogt commented 2 weeks ago

@mhenrixon, I'm still not 100% sure what is going wrong here. I've put up a pull request that should fix this issue.
It's a hacky solution and it may not work in every situation. I publish a new version in the coming days and hope that it will fix the issue for you.

If you still experience issues, feel free to reopen this issue.