leopiccionia / nuxt-feathers-boilerplate

A full-stack boilerplate leveraging Nuxt 2.x and Feathers 3.x.
MIT License
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Add support for Feathers-Vuex #1

Open gustojs opened 5 years ago

gustojs commented 5 years ago

What exact issues do you encounter with Feathers-Vuex? What makes you believe it doesn't support Feathers 3 or Vuex 3?

Are you available for a discussion about this integration on Nuxt official chat?

leopiccionia commented 5 years ago

@leopiccionia I can't remember how I concluded it. I'll try to integrate it coming home and report my results.

Yeah, I see no problems discussing it. I'm leopiccionia on Feathers Slack.

gustojs commented 5 years ago

I suggested the Nuxt chat because it's an integration into Nuxt CLI so Nuxt core devs could give a hand there, but if you prefer Feathers chat, sure.

(Ah, sorry, I didn't provide the context, I wanted to talk about the create-nuxt-app integration. I'm available on Feather's Slack in #vue channel as well).

leopiccionia commented 5 years ago

@gustojs Oh, sorry, I misread it. Nuxt has a Discord server without a channel about integrations, if I remark correctly.

gustojs commented 5 years ago

I asked Nuxt maintainers (on an internal Discord room for contributors) for an opinion on how they want to deal with that integration, and from 3 options (Feathers-Vuex, no Feathers-Vuex at all, optional Feathers-Vuex in a separate CLI question) they opted for full Feathers-Vuex integration.

I'm an author of Nuxt-Feathers-Vuex module, which provides integration with all the Feathers-Vuex goodies dedicated for Nuxt, together with scaffolding separate files for Vuex modules and is configurable through nuxt.config.js. I'm still checking if it works seamlessly with your setup, but so far everything looks correct.


Another good side of using a module is that users are able to opt out by simply commenting out a few lines in nuxt.config.js.

So how I see that, the best course of action would be either: 1) for you to make a PR to create-nuxt-app with your boilerplate and then for me to add the module on top of it, directly to create-nuxt-app 2) for me to add the module to your boilerplate and for you to add your boilerplate to create-nuxt-app.

What do you think about it?

leopiccionia commented 5 years ago

Great news!

I like the path # 2. Will you make a PR for this repo? I can add you as contributor on the current repo, if you feel you need it.

I think that, with (nuxt-)feathers-vuex integration inside this repo, and possibly #3 fixed, we'll have enough for a create-nuxt-app PR.

gustojs commented 5 years ago

OK, I will prepare a PR then.