leosac / access-control

Leosac Access Control - Open Source Physical Access Control System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
240 stars 40 forks source link

Having issues starting leosac #131

Closed kothmann1 closed 3 years ago

kothmann1 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm getting the following error when trying to start leosac:

Running Leosac version 0.7.0-afde0af387b980cbfc82fa36fa15eba9f1ac6499 Logger not set-up yet ! Will display log message as is. Creating Leosac Kernel... [2019-10-16 15:53:32.486] [console] [info] [5510] Network configuration disabled. Will not touch system setting. [2019-10-16 15:53:32.487] [console] [debug] [5510] Adding {/usr/lib/leosac} in library path [2019-10-16 15:53:32.487] [console] [debug] [5510] Adding {/usr/lib/leosac/auth} in library path [2019-10-16 15:53:32.487] [console] [info] [5510] Attempting to load module nammed SYSFS-GPIO (shared lib file = libsysfsgpio.so) [2019-10-16 15:53:32.488] [console] [info] [5510] Loading library at: /usr/lib/leosac/libsysfsgpio.so [2019-10-16 15:53:32.489] [console] [debug] [5510] library file loaded (not init yet) [2019-10-16 15:53:32.490] [console] [info] [5510] Attempting to load module nammed WIEGAND_READER (shared lib file = libwiegand.so) [2019-10-16 15:53:32.490] [console] [info] [5510] Loading library at: /usr/lib/leosac/libwiegand.so [2019-10-16 15:53:32.504] [console] [error] [5510] FAILURE, full path was:{/usr/lib/leosac/libwiegand.so}: DynLib::dlopen(): /usr/bin/../lib/leosac/libwebsock-api.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3odb10query_base6appendERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE [2019-10-16 15:53:32.505] [console] [info] [5510] Not stopping module SYSFS-GPIO as it doesn't seem to run. Exception propagated to main(). Will now exit. exception: Cannot load modules. Search path was: -> /usr/lib/leosac -> /usr/lib/leosac/auth free(): invalid pointer Aborted

Having this same issue quite identically from an old closed issue after using the docker image mentioned in #116 to build leosac for arm and running on buster. Any tips, if anyone is still around?

knight-of-ni commented 3 years ago

The Debian package created from #116 is built on Debian Stretch. It will not run on Buster. If I recall, the deb package found on the releases page is for Stretch as well.

kothmann1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, this can be closed