leostera / tldr.jsx

📚 A Reactive web client for tldr-pages
MIT License
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Serve over HTTPS #43

Closed waldyrious closed 8 years ago

waldyrious commented 8 years ago

Github now makes this easy with a simple configuration toggle (IIUC): https://github.com/blog/2186-https-for-github-pages

This is required for proper embedding on tldr-pages.github.io

leostera commented 8 years ago

Good point! Need to figure out the HTML5 PushState routing around that. AFAIK, can't be done from Github Pages, that's why I have the site hosted on Amazon S3. I might be able to get a * certificate for my domain.

The other option would be to go all in, and host the whole thing (client and landing page) as one on Github.

leostera commented 8 years ago

In the meantime, https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr-pages.github.io/commit/260a8ba04a6c1314e69f2206137e8188f16b7d09 fixes the iframe src.

waldyrious commented 8 years ago

Ok, although the iframe still doesn't work if the tldr website is loaded over https (in Chome at least). Anyway, sorry for jumping the gun, I forgot about the extra stuff you do under the hood 😇

waldyrious commented 8 years ago

Have you looked at Let's Encrypt certificates? Otherwise, hosting the whole thing on github may actually be an even better idea, since that allows people to fork and modify the project more easily :)

leostera commented 8 years ago

Done :) https://tldr.ostera.io/

leostera commented 8 years ago

@waldyrious ah, forgot to add one error redirect (403s -> index) to make the permalink work (https://tldr.ostera.io/man gives you a 403).

CloudFront is redeploying the distribution (for whatever that means) now, should take a few minutes.

waldyrious commented 8 years ago

Good catch. It appears to be working now :)