leotaku / kojirou

Generate perfectly formatted Kindle e-books from MangaDex manga
MIT License
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Left to right mode isn't working #26

Closed Colin1224 closed 1 year ago

Colin1224 commented 1 year ago

I was trying to download chapters and I used the -p argument to make reading direction left to right, but the reading mode was still right to left on my kindle (had to tap left side of screen to go to next page). This doesn't seem to be a Kindle issue because chapters I downloaded before from the same manga still are left to right, just newly downloaded ones are the issue. I also tried taking out the -p argument, and the result was the same with and without it, when they should be opposites. Also, I tried an unrelated manga and the issue reoccurred.

Here's the exact command I was using: kojirou d7037b2a-874a-4360-8a7b-07f2899152fd -l en -a -k -p -C 1 -o F:\

leotaku commented 1 year ago

Oh, that's right. I must have missed properly implementing that functionality when I reworked some of the code, sorry about that. I've created a PR for fixing the issue at #27. Please try it and if everything works for you I'll merge the fix.

Colin1224 commented 1 year ago

Works as expected now with the commit in the pr. Thanks!