leotaku / kojirou

Generate perfectly formatted Kindle e-books from MangaDex manga
MIT License
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Wrong binaries in the Release page and read from disk question. #35

Closed yoanhg421 closed 8 months ago

yoanhg421 commented 8 months ago

All the binaries in the Releases page are .exe. can't open or run the program on Mac.

Also. I see you need to pass a Magadex id to the program. I don't want to do that since the site it's complete mess. with a lot of missing chapters.

I understand you don't want to support other sites, and there are plenty of applications out there the do that already, but the folder structure might be different, in the sense that they might not include the Volume directory like Mangadex does or the cover in the root directory. Most alternatives have the root folder, chapters subfolders and the cover is the first image of chapter 1.

I would like to try your program by passing it a local directory and for it to output a book.

If you pass the Mangadex ID to it and the local folder will it make the book? Most chapters and Volumen are missing in Mangadex anyways, I have all the chapters locally. I just want Mangadex to provide metadata.

Finally, what would be perfect, is for your mobi library to be a replacement for kindlegen, at least for generating manga books. I don't know much about Go development but programing is programing at the end of the day.

Do you have documentation for the library, or an example if I wanted to make a manga with it specifically. How would I pass basic data, and toc chapters with the corresponding images.

I'll be looking at how you do things with kojirou, but it seems complicated since it's intertwined with Mangadex. If you can shed some light on the process that would be great.

Thank you.

leotaku commented 8 months ago

All the binaries in the Releases page are .exe. can't open or run the program on Mac.

Good to know! I don't really know much about OSX and I do not have access to a device or VM running it at this time. The binaries are definitely built for Darwin/OSX though. Have you tried making the files executable (chmod u+x kojirou.exe) and running them (./kojirou.exe)? If so, please tell me how this process fails for you.

If you pass the Mangadex ID to it and the local folder will it make the book?

Yes, this will work, as long as you follow the folder structure as it is described in the README. However, you will have to put the chapters in the correct volume subdirectories if you want them to be split up correctly. Also, bit of a hack, you can pass --groups=Filesystem to ensure no chapters from Mangadex are downloaded, even you do not have them locally.

Do you have documentation for the library, or an example if I wanted to make a manga with it specifically.

The API documentation for my mobi package is here. However, that alone is probably not enough, as it assumes familiarity with MOBI format internals. So, as most of the MOBI generation code in kojirou is contained in this file, please use that as an additional guide.

However, if you just want to use this library to build a manga-to-kindle converter without a dependency on MangaDex, that work has already been done by @tsopeh with his mapaki project. Maybe that works for you.

yoanhg421 commented 8 months ago

Thank you, I'll check those links out.

As for the binaries. for MacOS and Linux they don't have an extension. Maybe it's because all the files end in .exe that threw me off.

I had to remove the .exe extension and make it executable. I got a Security Alert from the OS and had to bypass. It seems to be working now. I'll give it a try and see how it goes?

Looks like mapaki might be the solution I'm looking for.

Thank you.

yoanhg421 commented 8 months ago

I tried mapaki and it looks like it does what it want which is to read from a folder with some basic metadata and make a book.

However, I tried it with a 8GB Manga archive and it hung and died. Processing the images was pretty fast, but at the time of creating the aw3 file which comes from the mobi library it hung and died after 15 minutes.

Any advice on that? Does the library have a size limit I should stay under? How does kojirou handle the One Piece if you wanted to process the whole thing into one book?

leotaku commented 8 months ago

There is technically no size limit for the mobi library, however, writing extremely large books might consume a lot more RAM than it should. This could be why the process froze for you. In any case, no Kindle device I am aware of will handle a 8GB file gracefully, so you should probably split your manga into multiple "volumes".

baobach commented 8 months ago

I am running the program on my m1 macbook and it works flawlessly. I clone the folder and run it using my terminal. Same syntax and the out put is a folder with all the manga nicely formatted. Can you be more specific on how you were using your mac to run the program?

yoanhg421 commented 8 months ago

@baobach This is not about installing through go install or cloning the project and running it. It's about the binaries on the Releases page.

I can run the program and build the binaries myself, but I wanted to avoid doing that and noticed the issue with the current binary artifacts.

baobach commented 8 months ago

@yoanhg421 Ah!! Totally misunderstood your question. My apologies. I also would love to see kojirou updates to work with other websites.

yoanhg421 commented 8 months ago

Leotaku mentioned this project mapaki which uses his mobi library for converting books. You can use Hakuneko which downloads from over 1200 different sites.