leotaku / kojirou

Generate perfectly formatted Kindle e-books from MangaDex manga
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Failure when getting authors in some manga #7

Closed Colin1224 closed 2 years ago

Colin1224 commented 2 years ago

I've found some manga where there is an error upon trying to pull chapter list.


PS C:\repos\kojirou> go run .\kojirou.go 37f5cce0-8070-4ada-96e5-fa24b1bd4ff9 -l en -d
Error: download: manga: get authors: decode: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field .Data.Attributes.Biography of type []string
exit status 1

Also happens for de4b3c43-5243-4399-9fc3-68a3c0747138.

leotaku commented 2 years ago

So apparently empty LocalizedString objects are arrays? That's... a choice I guess.

leotaku commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed now.