Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago
Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.
β» Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens:
The artifact failure details are included below:
β€ YN0000: β Resolution step
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-docs@npm:6.5.16 [4c7ca] doesn't provide @babel/core (pa7e96), requested by @babel/preset-env
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-docs@npm:6.5.16 [4c7ca] doesn't provide @babel/core (p22714), requested by @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-docs@npm:6.5.16 [4c7ca] doesn't provide @babel/core (p72c8d), requested by babel-loader
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-docs@npm:6.5.16 [4c7ca] doesn't provide webpack (pcb22f), requested by babel-loader
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-actions@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p5b845), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p4fd80), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p11dd7), requested by @storybook/client-api
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-controls@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (pe0305), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-knobs@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p6c1e4), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-notes@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p259ac), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/addon-ondevice-notes@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p29416), requested by @storybook/client-api
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/docs-tools@npm:6.5.16 doesn't provide react (p9b542), requested by @storybook/store
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/docs-tools@npm:6.5.16 doesn't provide react-dom (pc910b), requested by @storybook/store
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/eslint-config-storybook@npm:3.1.2 doesn't provide remark (p36079), requested by @storybook/linter-config
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide @typescript-eslint/parser (pd966a), requested by @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p3ea68), requested by @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p56fcf), requested by eslint-config-prettier
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p1dd7d), requested by eslint-plugin-eslint-comments
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p4a40c), requested by eslint-plugin-import
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p4a3ea), requested by eslint-plugin-jest
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p815fe), requested by eslint-plugin-json-files
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p66884), requested by eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p2cb2b), requested by eslint-plugin-prettier
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p376f8), requested by eslint-plugin-react
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide eslint (p697ba), requested by eslint-plugin-react-hooks
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/linter-config@npm:3.1.2 [5488a] doesn't provide prettier (p3e180), requested by eslint-plugin-prettier
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/mdx1-csf@npm:0.0.1 doesn't provide @babel/core (p61ad9), requested by @babel/preset-env
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/react-native@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p0ac22), requested by @storybook/addons
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/react-native@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (pff726), requested by @storybook/client-api
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/react-native@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (pcbeb1), requested by @storybook/preview-web
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/react-native@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide react-dom (p73be2), requested by @storybook/core-client
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/react-native@npm:6.5.7 [19f1c] doesn't provide webpack (pc3951), requested by @storybook/core-client
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/telemetry@npm:6.5.16 doesn't provide react (p48f29), requested by @storybook/core-common
β€ YN0002: β @storybook/telemetry@npm:6.5.16 doesn't provide react-dom (p479a1), requested by @storybook/core-common
β€ YN0002: β @types/react-native@npm:0.72.2 doesn't provide react-native (p64635), requested by @react-native/virtualized-lists
β€ YN0002: β @types/react-native@npm:0.72.2 doesn't provide react-test-renderer (pef926), requested by @react-native/virtualized-lists
β€ YN0002: β babel-plugin-react-docgen-typescript@npm:1.5.1 [19f1c] doesn't provide typescript (pee994), requested by react-docgen-typescript
β€ YN0002: β babel-plugin-transform-flow-enums@npm:0.0.2 doesn't provide @babel/core (p84ac5), requested by @babel/plugin-syntax-flow
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint (p6e2aa), requested by eslint-config-airbnb-base
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint (p9479a), requested by @typescript-eslint/parser
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint (p1d9db), requested by eslint-config-airbnb
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint-plugin-import (p4f5e3), requested by eslint-config-airbnb-base
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint-plugin-import (p98c99), requested by eslint-config-airbnb
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y (p220ec), requested by eslint-config-airbnb
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint-plugin-react (p92df3), requested by eslint-config-airbnb
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@npm:12.3.1 doesn't provide eslint-plugin-react-hooks (pa6140), requested by eslint-config-airbnb
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-react-native-typescript@npm:2.2.6 [19f1c] doesn't provide prettier (peebf6), requested by eslint-plugin-prettier
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide @curveball/kernel (pa11e4), requested by @curveball/router
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide @storybook/api (pa0e2c), requested by @storybook/addon-knobs
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide @storybook/components (p087ce), requested by @storybook/addon-knobs
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide @storybook/core-events (p802d3), requested by @storybook/addon-knobs
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide @storybook/theming (pab1b4), requested by @storybook/addon-knobs
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides eslint (p023aa) with version 8.40.0, which doesn't satisfy what eslint-config-react-native-typescript and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react (pdc8c4) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/addon-actions and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react (pa411b) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/addon-essentials and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react (p8396d) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/addon-knobs and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react (p8c96d) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/react and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react-dom (pbbb17) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/addon-knobs and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β myapp@workspace:. provides react-dom (p64185) with version 18.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what @storybook/react and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide remark (pe7b00), requested by @storybook/linter-config
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide require-from-string (p04e4f), requested by @storybook/react
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide webpack (p6a147), requested by @storybook/react-native-server
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide webpack (p975b9), requested by babel-loader
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide webpack (p21ecc), requested by html-webpack-plugin
β€ YN0002: β myapp@workspace:. doesn't provide webpack (pa29bf), requested by webpack-cli
β€ YN0002: β react-codemod@npm:5.4.3 doesn't provide @babel/preset-env (pfb0b0), requested by jscodeshift
β€ YN0002: β react-native-codegen@npm:0.71.5 doesn't provide @babel/preset-env (pdcb72), requested by jscodeshift
β€ YN0002: β reactotron-react-native@npm:5.0.3 [19f1c] doesn't provide react (p7a2b3), requested by react-native-flipper
β€ YN0000: β Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met; run yarn explain peer-requirements <hash> for details, where <hash> is the six-letter p-prefixed code
β€ YN0000: β Completed in 2s 629ms
β€ YN0000: β Fetch step
β€ YN0035: β eslint-config-react-native-typescript@npm:2.2.6: Package not found
β€ YN0035: β Response Code: 404 (Not Found)
β€ YN0035: β Request Method: GET
β€ YN0035: β Request URL:
β€ YN0013: β 14 packages were already cached, 2110 had to be fetched
β€ YN0000: β Completed in 57s 849ms
β€ YN0000: Failed with errors in 1m 1s
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
storybookjs/react-native (@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions)
### [`v6.5.7`]( [Compare Source]( fix: protect against empty stories list **Full Changelog**: ### [`v6.5.6`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - feat: prebundle emotion and theme by [@dannyhw]( in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v6.5.5`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - chore(deps): bump fast-xml-parser from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5 by [@dependabot]( in []( - chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 by [@dependabot]( in []( - feat: nested grouping of stories with "group/story" syntax by [@dannyhw]( in []( - chore(deps): bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by [@dependabot]( in []( - chore: update expo, ts and emotion by [@dannyhw]( in []( - yarn berry changes by [@dannyhw]( in []( - feat/require context by [@dannyhw]( in []( - you can use --unstable_useRequireContext on storybook generate to try this out **Full Changelog**: ### [`v6.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - chore: refactor to simplify project setup by [@dannyhw]( in []( - Chore/refactor project structure by [@dannyhw]( in []( - docs: add another example url by [@zubko]( in []( - chore(deps): bump fast-xml-parser from 4.1.2 to 4.2.4 by [@dependabot]( in []( - docs: downgrading setup intructions to stable version by [@flexbox]( in []( - docs: migrate away from legacy expo-cli by [@flexbox]( in []( - fix: Couldn't find story matching '' after HMR [#459]( ##### New Contributors - [@zubko]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**:
π Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
π¦ Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
β» Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
π» Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.
This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.