leozide / leocad

A CAD application for creating virtual LEGO models
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Customising LeoCAD from Build #528

Closed Aiyush-G closed 3 years ago

Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I am a student and would like to modify LeoCAD to create a similar application but with different bricks etc... However, I don't know how to customise certain things like the LeoCAD icon and application name. Other things that I would like to do include changing the menu text.


^^^ I would like to change the text here (for example) and for this specific example also change the link that it leads too ^^^

Another example would be here:


^^^ I would like to change this to attribute LeoCAD but also include my own text^^^

I hope that this explains everything that I mean.


trevorsandy commented 3 years ago

The changes you would like to make may not be trivial if you are not comfortable with the Qt project framework and navigating the source code.

Anyway, you'll need to add your icons appropriately and edit these files to enable the changes you describe above:

Applicaiton name (All): https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/leocad.pro Applicaiton name and icon (Windows): https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/leocad.pro Application name and icon (macOS): https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/qt/Info.plist Applicaiton name and icon (Linux): https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/qt/leocad.desktop About name and icon: https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/qt/lc_qaboutdialog.ui Additional about text: https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/qt/lc_qaboutdialog.cpp Help, Homepage, BugReport: https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/common/lc_mainwindow.cpp Help, Homepage, BugReport: https://github.com/leozide/leocad/blob/master/common/lc_commands.cpp


Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

Up to now I have been using CMAKE to build and run, but to make sure that this wasn't the issue, I did the below. I have also tried building it via command make but nothing changes In the result Cheers, I am having an issue with changing on macOS (my platform only one I am trying at the moment). Here is my Info.plist file and I am experimenting changing LeoCAD to SoundCAD and then will focus on changing the icon after I have this working:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>LeoCAD Project</string>
            <string>LDraw Document</string>

But the name remains as LeoCAD, I am running this via QTCreator, clicking build (hammer) and then run (green arrow).

Cheers Aiyush

trevorsandy commented 3 years ago

set TARGET = SoundCAD in leocad.pro


Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

Hi @trevorsandy thanks for the response, where do I add this within leocad.pro?

QT += core gui opengl network xml

greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
    QT *= printsupport
    QT += concurrent

equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) {
    qtHaveModule(gamepad) {
        QT += gamepad

INCLUDEPATH += qt common
CONFIG += precompile_header incremental c++11 force_debug_info

win32 {
    RC_ICONS = resources/leocad.ico
    QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) SoundCAD"
    RC_CODEPAGE = 1252
    RC_LANG = 0x0409

    LIBS += -lwininet
win32-msvc* {
    PRECOMPILED_HEADER = common/lc_global.h
    greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
    } else {
        INCLUDEPATH += $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/src/3rdparty/zlib
    PRECOMPILED_SOURCE = common/lc_global.cpp
    LIBS += -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lopengl32 -luser32
} else {
    PRECOMPILED_HEADER = common/lc_global.h
    LIBS += -lz
    QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-unused-parameter

lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) {
    unix {
        GCC_VERSION = $$system(g++ -dumpversion)
        greaterThan(GCC_VERSION, 4.6) {
            QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
        } else {
            QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x

    win32:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\\lrelease.exe
    else:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease
    unix {
        !exists($$QMAKE_LRELEASE) { QMAKE_LRELEASE = lrelease-qt4 }
    } else {
        !exists($$QMAKE_LRELEASE) { QMAKE_LRELEASE = lrelease }

    isEmpty(TRAVIS_TAG) {
        DEFINES += "LC_CONTINUOUS_BUILD=$$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"

    isEmpty(APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG) {
        DEFINES += "LC_CONTINUOUS_BUILD=$$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
        VERSION =
        QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "LeoCAD Continuous Build $$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"

TSFILES = resources/leocad_fr.ts resources/leocad_pt.ts resources/leocad_de.ts resources/leocad_uk.ts resources/leocad_cs.ts resources/leocad_es.ts
lrelease.input = TSFILES
lrelease.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
lrelease.commands = $$QMAKE_LRELEASE -silent ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -qm ${QMAKE_FILE_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
lrelease.CONFIG += no_link target_predeps

system($$QMAKE_LRELEASE -silent $$TSFILES)

unix:!macx {
    TARGET = soundcad
} else {
    TARGET = SoundCAD

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    DESTDIR = build/debug
} else {
    DESTDIR = build/release


unix:!macx {
    isEmpty(DOCS_DIR):DOCS_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/doc/leocad
    isEmpty(ICON_DIR):ICON_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/pixmaps
    isEmpty(MAN_DIR):MAN_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/man/man1
    isEmpty(DESKTOP_DIR):DESKTOP_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/applications
    isEmpty(MIME_DIR):MIME_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/mime/packages
    isEmpty(MIME_ICON_DIR):MIME_ICON_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes
    isEmpty(APPDATA_DIR):APPDATA_DIR = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/share/metainfo

    target.path = $$BIN_DIR
    docs.path = $$DOCS_DIR
    docs.files = docs/README.txt docs/CREDITS.txt docs/COPYING.txt
    man.path = $$MAN_DIR
    man.files = docs/leocad.1
    desktop.path = $$DESKTOP_DIR
    desktop.files = qt/leocad.desktop
    icon.path = $$ICON_DIR
    icon.files = resources/leocad.png
    mime.path = $$MIME_DIR
    mime.files = qt/leocad.xml
    mime_icon.path = $$MIME_ICON_DIR
    mime_icon.files = resources/application-vnd.leocad.svg
    appdata.path = $$APPDATA_DIR
    appdata.files = tools/setup/leocad.appdata.xml

    INSTALLS += target docs man desktop icon mime mime_icon appdata


    !isEmpty(LDRAW_LIBRARY_PATH) {

macx {
    ICON = resources/leocad.icns
    QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = qt/Info.plist

    document_icon.files += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/resources/leocad_document.icns
    document_icon.path = Contents/Resources
    library.files += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/library.bin
    library.path = Contents/Resources
    povray.files += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/povray
    povray.path = Contents/MacOS

    QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += document_icon library povray

SOURCES += common/view.cpp \
    common/lc_instructionsdialog.cpp \
    common/lc_previewwidget.cpp \
    common/texfont.cpp \
    common/project.cpp \
    common/pieceinf.cpp \
    common/piece.cpp \
    common/object.cpp \
    common/minifig.cpp \
    common/light.cpp \
    common/lc_application.cpp \
    common/lc_category.cpp \
    common/lc_colors.cpp \
    common/lc_commands.cpp \
    common/lc_context.cpp \
    common/lc_file.cpp \
    common/lc_glextensions.cpp \
    common/lc_http.cpp \
    common/lc_library.cpp \
    common/lc_lxf.cpp \
    common/lc_mainwindow.cpp \
    common/lc_mesh.cpp \
    common/lc_meshloader.cpp \
    common/lc_model.cpp \
    common/lc_profile.cpp \
    common/lc_scene.cpp \
    common/lc_selectbycolordialog.cpp \
    common/lc_shortcuts.cpp \
    common/lc_stringcache.cpp \
    common/lc_synth.cpp \
    common/lc_texture.cpp \
    common/lc_viewsphere.cpp \
    common/lc_zipfile.cpp \
    common/image.cpp \
    common/group.cpp \
    common/camera.cpp \
    qt/system.cpp \
    qt/qtmain.cpp \
    qt/lc_qarraydialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qgroupdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qaboutdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qeditgroupsdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qselectdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qpropertiesdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qhtmldialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qminifigdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qpreferencesdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qcategorydialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qimagedialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qupdatedialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qutils.cpp \
    qt/lc_qpropertiestree.cpp \
    qt/lc_qcolorpicker.cpp \
    qt/lc_qglwidget.cpp \
    qt/lc_qcolorlist.cpp \
    qt/lc_qfinddialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_qmodellistdialog.cpp \
    common/lc_partselectionwidget.cpp \
    common/lc_timelinewidget.cpp \
    qt/lc_renderdialog.cpp \
    qt/lc_setsdatabasedialog.cpp \
    common/lc_instructionsdialog.h \
    common/lc_previewwidget.h \
    common/view.h \
    common/texfont.h \
    common/project.h \
    common/pieceinf.h \
    common/piece.h \
    common/object.h \
    common/minifig.h \
    common/light.h \
    common/lc_application.h \
    common/lc_array.h \
    common/lc_basewindow.h \
    common/lc_category.h \
    common/lc_colors.h \
    common/lc_commands.h \
    common/lc_context.h \
    common/lc_file.h \
    common/lc_glext.h \
    common/lc_glextensions.h \
    common/lc_global.h \
    common/lc_glwidget.h \
    common/lc_http.h \
    common/lc_library.h \
    common/lc_lxf.h \
    common/lc_mainwindow.h \
    common/lc_math.h \
    common/lc_mesh.h \
    common/lc_meshloader.h \
    common/lc_model.h \
    common/lc_profile.h \
    common/lc_scene.h \
    common/lc_selectbycolordialog.h \
    common/lc_shortcuts.h \
    common/lc_stringcache.h \
    common/lc_synth.h \
    common/lc_texture.h \
    common/lc_viewsphere.h \
    common/lc_zipfile.h \
    common/image.h \
    common/group.h \
    common/camera.h \
    qt/lc_qarraydialog.h \
    qt/lc_qgroupdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qaboutdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qeditgroupsdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qselectdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qpropertiesdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qhtmldialog.h \
    qt/lc_qminifigdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qpreferencesdialog.h \
    qt/lc_qcategorydialog.h \
    qt/lc_qimagedialog.h \
    qt/lc_qupdatedialog.h \
    qt/lc_qutils.h \
    qt/lc_qpropertiestree.h \
    qt/lc_qcolorpicker.h \
    qt/lc_qglwidget.h \
    qt/lc_qcolorlist.h \
    qt/lc_qfinddialog.h \
    qt/lc_qmodellistdialog.h \
    common/lc_partselectionwidget.h \
    common/lc_timelinewidget.h \
    qt/lc_renderdialog.h \
    qt/lc_setsdatabasedialog.h \
FORMS += \
    qt/lc_qarraydialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qgroupdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qaboutdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qeditgroupsdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qselectdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qpropertiesdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qhtmldialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qminifigdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qpreferencesdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qcategorydialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qimagedialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qupdatedialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qfinddialog.ui \
    qt/lc_qmodellistdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_renderdialog.ui \
    qt/lc_setsdatabasedialog.ui \
RESOURCES += leocad.qrc resources/stylesheet/stylesheet.qrc

!win32 {
    TRANSLATIONS = resources/leocad_pt.ts resources/leocad_fr.ts resources/leocad_de.ts resources/leocad_uk.ts resources/leocad_cs.ts resources/leocad_es.ts

Is what I have changed it to but it won't open on my MacOS system. I have pretty much replaced LeoCAD with SoundCAD wherever I saw SoundCAD


I started smaller and just edited this:

unix:!macx {
    TARGET = soundcad
} else {
    TARGET = SoundCAD

But it still doesn't work and returns that it is 'damaged or incomplete and cannot be opened'

Cheers Aiyush

Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

@trevorsandy Thanks, I have now gotten all of the above to work, could you help me with one more thing? I would like to add a custom .dat to a custom panel here:


E.g. I would like a panel called Audio with the model horn.dat

How would I achieve this?


trevorsandy commented 3 years ago

Create a new category from the Preferences dialogue - for example:


Your parts should follow the LDraw .dat file syntax convention so the category can be properly assigned to your custom parts - for example:

0 Audio Horn - Loud but not very loud
0 Name: horn.dat
0 Author: Me [MeToo]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2020-11
0 !LICENSE <Your distribution license here>

If you are unsure about the category expression syntax, you can export the categories and review the content.

Screenshot - 08_11_2020 , 14_35_19


Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks I will try that. Also, I have converted .stl to .dat successfully and opened in LeoCAD but it isn't to scale. Any idea why this is, or what scale factor I need to increase by (is there a way to see the physical size of a model in LeoCAD either).


trevorsandy commented 3 years ago

Download stl2dat source from http://marc.klein.free.fr/lego/stl2dat/stl2dat.html and take a look at the Scale option.

Perhaps you can apply the algorithm to your conversion script. Alternatively, you could build stl2dat from source for your platform - it's written in c I believe. This way, you can use the many conversion options available to tweak your conversion.


Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

I think that is beyond my skillset :( Could you guide me how to build it? It would be really appreciated as I have spent the last 60 minutes trying to find a workaround.

EDIT: I have found a workaround that would work for my use case

Thanks Ag

Aiyush-G commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the bother @trevorsandy , Is there a way to set custom snapping on custom parts?

Cheers, Aiyush

trevorsandy commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to set custom snapping on custom parts?

I'm not aware of any user-configurable behaviour that does this. I imagine you would have to customize the code.
