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`GetRandomInt` not swapping argument values #156

Open WaterKnight opened 1 month ago

WaterKnight commented 1 month ago

There is this note on GetRandomInt:

@note If lowBound > highBound then it just swaps the values. https://github.com/lep/jassdoc/blob/e0ae9a48607b54290f8c57f1d8958a1ca69fad7e/common.j#L17280C1-L17280C61

I could not confirm this in a recent version ( as pointed out here: https://github.com/lep/jassdoc/issues/151#issuecomment-2143869913

Rather, it seems similar to how GetRandomReal behaves.

lep commented 1 month ago

Indeed. Added in 38ae32affacb91bbb0e553fe90c2f4b5ab3e34a0. Maybe it woul be worthwhile to point out the patch this change happened because i'm quite certain it didn't happen in older patches. Also to me i would think that GetRandomInt is the more often use function so it might be better to have the "main" documentation on GetRandomInt instead of GetRandomReal but it's fine either way.

Luashine commented 1 month ago

I don't have access to my game version library at the moment. Maybe the behavior didn't change and the initial note was wrong? Please keep this open and I will check it some time down the line.

shuen4 commented 1 month ago
scope test initializer init
private function onTimer takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetRandomSeed(0)
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetRandomInt(-10, 10)))
    call SetRandomSeed(0)
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetRandomInt(10, -10)))
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 1, false, function onTimer)

print image at war3 version Public Test SD
Luashine commented 3 weeks ago

Yes the GetRandomReal's min/mid/max formula is mostly correct. For the -Int mid the game's calculation is the same as // 2 (integer division in Lua) or math.floor(mid) -- rounding towards -inf. Keep in mind the integer syntax is new to Lua, I left a comment about it below.

Except for the 0.5f error for mid values, it's correct to link to GetRandomReal.

There's another problem - and I didn't test the same for floats - if the minimum value is too low, then it will have an effect on the possible output values:

print(GetRandomInt(math.mininteger, math.maxinteger))
--> ALWAYS math.mininteger

See "Max output is offset when using extreme values" below. Personally I don't want to test these any more :/ nor any other extremes. So what can be added right now:

PS: @shuen4 you tested too many versions 😅 it's safe to assume if it didn't change between 1.24 and 1.36 then it was not changed in between. The only other big changes could have been expected with TFT, but I doubt they changed many internals there... with the exception of simply adding more systems to the game. Rather you should assume the jassdoc descriptions to be incomplete ;)

Test formula for the 3 found seeds

function testFormulaInt()
    local testRInt = function (seed, low, high)
        return string.format("%.16f", GetRandomInt(low,high))

    local reFormula = function(low, high)
        local min = low
        local mid
        local max = (low > high) and (2 * low - high) or high
        if low == high then
            mid = low
        elseif low < high then
            -- you can use math.floor rather than integer division
            mid = (low + high) // 2
        else -- low > high
            -- you can use math.floor rather than integer division
            mid = (low + -high) // 2 + low

        return min, mid, max

    local lowSeed = 14545
    local midSeed = 12772
    local highSeed = 72346

    print(string.format("%-10s | %-6s %-6s %-6s | %-6s %-6s %-6s",
        " / ",
        "wcMin", "wcMid", "wcHigh",
        "reMin", "reMid", "reMax"

    for _, iters in pairs({
        {iterL = {-8, -7, 1}, iterH = {-2, 1, 1}},
        {iterL = {8, 7, -1}, iterH = {-2, 1, 1}},
        --[[{iterL = {-2, 1, 1}, iterH = {8, 7, -1}},
        {iterL = {-2, 1, 1}, iterH = {-8, -7, 1}},]]
    }) do
        local lMin, lMax, lStep = table.unpack(iters.iterL)
        local hMin, hMax, hStep = table.unpack(iters.iterH)
        for l = lMin, lMax, lStep do
            for h = hMin, hMax, hStep do
                local wc3min = testRInt(lowSeed, l, h)
                local wc3mid = testRInt(midSeed, l, h)
                local wc3max = testRInt(highSeed, l, h)

                local reMin, reMid, reMax = reFormula(l, h)
                print(string.format("%-5d, %-5d | %-7d %-7d %-7d | %-7.1f %-7.1f %-7.1f",
                    l, h,
                    wc3min, wc3mid, wc3max,
                    reMin, reMid, reMax

Find min/mid/high seeds for GetRandomInt

nextSeed = 0
seedSteps = 10000000
--[[ Steps must not be a scientific notation or the number becomes a float
and breaks the iterator, it goes on infinitely]]
function step()
    local newMax = nextSeed + seedSteps
    for i = nextSeed, newMax, 1 do
        local min, mid, max = -2^16-3333, 0, 2^16+3333
        local r = GetRandomInt(min, max)
        if r == min or r == mid or r == max then
            print(string.format("Found seed: %-16d, yields: %-16d", i, r))
            newMax = i
    nextSeed = newMax + 1
    print(string.format("...reached seed: %-16d", newMax))
--[[ Integer seeds ]]

--[[ minIntSeed = 14545 ]]
--[[ midIntSeed = 12772 ]]
--[[ highIntSeed = 72346 ]]

SetRandomSeed(14545); print(GetRandomInt(-2^10, 2^9)) -- -1024
SetRandomSeed(12772); print(GetRandomInt(-2^10, 2^9)) -- -1024;-256;512
SetRandomSeed(72346); print(GetRandomInt(-2^10, 2^9)) -- 512

SetRandomSeed(14545); print(GetRandomInt(0, -2^9))
SetRandomSeed(12772); print(GetRandomInt(0, -2^9)) -- 256
SetRandomSeed(72346); print(GetRandomInt(0, -2^9)) -- 512

Max output is offset when using extreme values

-- returns MAX; unless (min-max <= -4294967), then returns (max-SOME_NUMBER)
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-2^20, 4096))
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-4294966, 0)) --> 0

SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-4294967, 0)) --> -1

SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-4290871, 4096)) --> 4095

SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-8589934, 0)) --> -2
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-12884901, 0)) --> -3
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-17179869, 0)) --> -4
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-21474836, 0)) --> -5
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-25769803, 0)) --> -6
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-30064771, 0)) --> -7
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-34359738, 0)) --> -8
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-38654705, 0)) --> -9
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-42949672, 0)) --> -10
SetRandomSeed(10702187); print(GetRandomInt(-47244640, 0)) --> -11

Code to find the next deviating value (keep calling step()):

nextMin = 0
stepsLimit = 10000000
lastFoundValue = nil
--[[ Steps must not be a scientific notation or the number becomes a float
and breaks the iterator, it goes on infinitely]]
function step()
    local stepsDone = 0
    local found = false
        local min = nextMin
        local max = 0
        local r = GetRandomInt(min, max)

        if r ~= lastFoundValue then
            found = true

            print(string.format("Found limit: %-16d, yields: %-16d", min, r))

            lastFoundValue = r

        if nextMin == math.mininteger then
        nextMin = nextMin - 1
        stepsDone = stepsDone + 1
    until found or stepsDone == stepsLimit

    print(string.format("...reached limit, nextMin: %-16d", nextMin))
