lephisto / tesla-apiscraper

API Scraper for pulling Vehicle Statistics from the Tesla Owner API into an InfluxDB + Grafana Dashboards
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
365 stars 104 forks source link

Docker not updating #84

Open chaunbot opened 4 years ago

chaunbot commented 4 years ago

What's the trick to update the docker version? Following the instructions

docker-compose pull docker-compose build --build-arg CACHEBUST=$(date +%s) apiscraper docker-compose up --force-recreate --build

bob@server:~/tesla-apiscraper$ docker-compose build --build-arg CACHEBUST=$(date +%s) apiscraper Building apiscraper Step 1/25 : FROM debian:stretch-slim ---> 9634525e1209 Step 2/25 : RUN apt-get -y update ---> Using cache ---> a081adf8a830 Step 3/25 : RUN apt-get -y install python3 ---> Using cache ---> 4a5549b404c0 Step 4/25 : RUN apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ---> Using cache ---> dc7606963902 Step 5/25 : RUN apt-get -y install curl ---> Using cache ---> e8423dbd200c Step 6/25 : RUN apt-get -y install gnupg2 ---> Using cache ---> 928c9d66c531 Step 7/25 : RUN apt-get -y install git ---> Using cache ---> dd01a36fbde0 Step 8/25 : RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip ---> Using cache ---> f032fb8f7672 Step 9/25 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> 7b69aec96b11 Step 10/25 : RUN pip3 install influxdb ---> Using cache ---> 7afaef966399 Step 11/25 : RUN git clone https://github.com/tkrajina/srtm.py ---> Using cache ---> 8f8b487a933e Step 12/25 : WORKDIR srtm.py ---> Using cache ---> 887c7d0b249a Step 13/25 : RUN python3 ./setup.py install ---> Using cache ---> b53c0e2117c1 Step 14/25 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> d96123b39a70 Step 15/25 : ARG CACHEBUST=1 ---> Using cache ---> 6cc30e15c902 Step 16/25 : ARG gitversion ---> Using cache ---> 31339e6c71c4 Step 17/25 : RUN git clone https://github.com/lephisto/tesla-apiscraper ---> Running in d88ba017052e Cloning into 'tesla-apiscraper'... Removing intermediate container d88ba017052e ---> bdee46323ed6 Step 18/25 : WORKDIR tesla-apiscraper ---> Running in 801c9f8a1400 Removing intermediate container 801c9f8a1400 ---> 2c0da21f883d Step 19/25 : RUN git pull ---> Running in fc9f6c9a7282 Already up-to-date. Removing intermediate container fc9f6c9a7282 ---> 7416ef51b7b0 Step 20/25 : RUN git checkout $gitversion ---> Running in 9fc9baec4a17 Note: checking out '69e2af3cec804688c01c7c1b85a130997ca6107b'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b

HEAD is now at 69e2af3... Merge pull request #40 from CoMPaTech/apidoc Removing intermediate container 9fc9baec4a17 ---> 82f2731bea24 Step 21/25 : RUN echo "#!/bin/bash" > /start.sh ---> Running in 7d578c22e49d Removing intermediate container 7d578c22e49d ---> e94687ddc7b0 Step 22/25 : RUN echo "python3 /tesla-apiscraper/apiscraper.py" >> /start.sh ---> Running in d98b35e82cc6 Removing intermediate container d98b35e82cc6 ---> 50ee2c266708 Step 23/25 : RUN chmod +x /start.sh ---> Running in e43ac4956aed Removing intermediate container e43ac4956aed ---> abfe3d8baba8 Step 24/25 : EXPOSE 8023 ---> Running in a3507b2466c4 Removing intermediate container a3507b2466c4 ---> d75c2e0bc6d7 Step 25/25 : CMD /start.sh ---> Running in a3f51948f956 Removing intermediate container a3f51948f956 ---> f40ec43e8f5b Successfully built f40ec43e8f5b Successfully tagged tesla-apiscraper_apiscraper:latest shaun@router:~/tesla-apiscraper$ docker-compose up --force-recreate --build Creating network "tesla-apiscraper_default" with the default driver Building apiscraper Step 1/25 : FROM debian:stretch-slim ---> 9634525e1209 Step 2/25 : RUN apt-get -y update ---> Using cache ---> a081adf8a830 Step 3/25 : RUN apt-get -y install python3 ---> Using cache ---> 4a5549b404c0 Step 4/25 : RUN apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ---> Using cache ---> dc7606963902 Step 5/25 : RUN apt-get -y install curl ---> Using cache ---> e8423dbd200c Step 6/25 : RUN apt-get -y install gnupg2 ---> Using cache ---> 928c9d66c531 Step 7/25 : RUN apt-get -y install git ---> Using cache ---> dd01a36fbde0 Step 8/25 : RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip ---> Using cache ---> f032fb8f7672 Step 9/25 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> 7b69aec96b11 Step 10/25 : RUN pip3 install influxdb ---> Using cache ---> 7afaef966399 Step 11/25 : RUN git clone https://github.com/tkrajina/srtm.py ---> Using cache ---> 8f8b487a933e Step 12/25 : WORKDIR srtm.py ---> Using cache ---> 887c7d0b249a Step 13/25 : RUN python3 ./setup.py install ---> Using cache ---> b53c0e2117c1 Step 14/25 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> d96123b39a70 Step 15/25 : ARG CACHEBUST=1 ---> Using cache ---> 6cc30e15c902 Step 16/25 : ARG gitversion ---> Using cache ---> 31339e6c71c4 Step 17/25 : RUN git clone https://github.com/lephisto/tesla-apiscraper ---> Using cache ---> 6e943fe2569f Step 18/25 : WORKDIR tesla-apiscraper ---> Using cache ---> 3e2287bebbf2 Step 19/25 : RUN git pull ---> Using cache ---> ec2667635d9e Step 20/25 : RUN git checkout $gitversion ---> Using cache ---> 97a57541a62f Step 21/25 : RUN echo "#!/bin/bash" > /start.sh ---> Using cache ---> e6ee35cc38db Step 22/25 : RUN echo "python3 /tesla-apiscraper/apiscraper.py" >> /start.sh ---> Using cache ---> ab958d7a82cc Step 23/25 : RUN chmod +x /start.sh ---> Using cache ---> 9c06672c018e Step 24/25 : EXPOSE 8023 ---> Using cache ---> 5b953b20da8c Step 25/25 : CMD /start.sh ---> Using cache ---> 4a604bc66c5b Successfully built 4a604bc66c5b Successfully tagged tesla-apiscraper_apiscraper:latest Creating influxdb_apiscraper ... done Creating grafana_apiscraper ... done Creating apiscraper ... done Attaching to influxdb_apiscraper, grafana_apiscraper, apiscraper grafana_apiscraper | installing natel-discrete-panel @ 0.0.9 grafana_apiscraper | from: https://grafana.com/api/plugins/natel-discrete-panel/versions/0.0.9/download grafana_apiscraper | into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins grafana_apiscraper | grafana_apiscraper | ✔ Installed natel-discrete-panel successfully grafana_apiscraper | grafana_apiscraper | Restart grafana after installing plugins . grafana_apiscraper | grafana_apiscraper | installing grafana-trackmap-panel @ grafana_apiscraper | from: https://mephis.to/grafana-trackmap-panel/dist.zip grafana_apiscraper | into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins grafana_apiscraper |