Closed darox closed 1 year ago
Do you mind if I put a standalone Image of the apiscraper on my github. I got it working with:
FROM python:3.7 ADD requirements.txt / RUN pip install -r requirements.txt CMD ["python3.7", "./"]
requirements.txt: influxdb==5.3.0
I have removed the exposed from the Dockerfile.compose as I don't use the Android app.
@darox, would you mind sharing the complete dockerfile.compose you used? I see that it's hanging up on the fstring (which didn't come out until python 3.6) so I've been messing about with my mediocre knowledge of Docker to try and figure out how to make it pull at least 3.6, with no luck.
@johnmarkharris I met the same issue and the easiest solution I found is to modify the Dockerfile.compose file and change the base image from debian:stretch-slim to debian:stable if you don't care it eat another 50MB size.
-FROM debian:stretch-slim +FROM debian:stable
When building with:
docker-compose pull docker-compose build --build-arg CACHEBUST=$(date +%s) apiscraper docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
I get an error and it doesn't start scrapping: