leppott / ContDataQC

Quality control checks on continuous data. Example data is from a HOBO data logger with 30 minute intervals.
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Word Report not working - v2.0.5.9025 #89

Closed leppott closed 5 years ago

leppott commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Word Report not working - v2.0.5.9025

HTML works but Word gives and error. The DOCX file is created but no plots are included. And lots of messages to the screen.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use the example file for ContDataQC function.
# Parameters
Selection.Operation <- c("GetGageData","QCRaw", "Aggregate", "SummaryStats")
Selection.Type      <- c("Air","Water","AW","Gage","AWG","AG","WG")
Selection.SUB <- c("Data0_Original", "Data1_RAW","Data2_QC","Data3_Aggregated","Data4_Stats")
myDir.BASE <- getwd()

 # QC Raw Data
myData.Operation <- "QCRaw" #Selection.Operation[2]
myData.SiteID    <- "test2"
myData.Type      <- Selection.Type[3] #"AW"
myData.DateRange.Start  <- "2013-01-01"
myData.DateRange.End    <- "2014-12-31"
myDir.import <- file.path(myDir.BASE,Selection.SUB[2]) #"Data1_RAW"
myDir.export <- file.path(myDir.BASE,Selection.SUB[3]) #"Data2_QC"
myReport.format <- "docx"
ContDataQC(myData.Operation, myData.SiteID, myData.Type, myData.DateRange.Start
           , myData.DateRange.End, myDir.import, myDir.export
           , fun.myReport.format=myReport.format)

May have to run other parts of example to copy in text.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

leppott commented 5 years ago

Tried updating Pandoc from to 2.7.3 (64bit).

No change in behavior.

leppott commented 5 years ago

Changed working directory.

C:\Users\Erik.Leppo\OneDrive - Tetra Tech, Inc\MyDocs_OneDrive\GitHub\ContDataQC_test


Runs fine now.


leppott commented 5 years ago

