leptos-rs / book

The home for the Leptos book, which can be found deployed at https://book.leptos.dev
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bold text is not rendering correctly #62

Closed blorbb closed 5 months ago

blorbb commented 5 months ago

Just noticed that bold text isn't actually being rendered properly.


Vs source code: https://github.com/leptos-rs/book/blob/main/src/view/05_forms.md?plain=1#L5

The <strong> element is present, but it's not styled properly. I think it's probably the font that's being downloaded, there is no bold weight loaded so it just looks like normal text.

I'm not super familiar with mdbook, so I'm not sure how to fix this.

gbj commented 5 months ago

That's quite weird: here it is for me in light and dark mode. I wonder if this wa an ephemeral issue with the font download for you, or some kind of browser discrepancy?

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1 50 13 PM

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1 50 09 PM

blorbb commented 5 months ago

oh my bad I think I had an incorrectly installed font that was screwing it up, it works fine now.