The following log continued (up to 1700) in some fault injection tests:
[Leader] failed to replicate the event (type=[lerna.akka.entityreplication.raft.model.NoOp$]) since the entity (entityId=[0000059981], instanceId=[34156], lastAppliedIndex=[814]) must apply [1] entries to itself. The leader will replicate a new event after the entity applies these [1] non-applied entries to itself.
By diagnosing logs, the following situation happened:
RaftActor (replica-group-1) was the leader.
Entity (id=0000059981, replica-group-1) succeeded in replication of NoOp.
The entity's lastAppliedLogEntryIndex was 814.
The NoOp replication was succeeded with index 821.
RaftActor (replica-group-2, Follower) updated indices to 821 (commitIndex=821, lastApplied=821).
RaftActor (replica-group-2, Follower) didn't send Replica for index 821 to the entity since an associated event is NoOp.
Entity (id=0000059981, replica-group-2) didn't update its lastAppliedLogEntryIndex to 821.
RaftActor (replica-group-2) became the leader for some reasons.
Entity (id=0000059981, replica-group-2) received ProcessCommand and then attempted to replicate an event:
Entity (id=0000059981, replica-group-2) sent Replicate(entityLastAppliedIndex=814, ...)
RaftActor (replica-group-2, Leader) replied with ReplicationFaield
The following log continued (up to 1700) in some fault injection tests:
By diagnosing logs, the following situation happened:
was 814.NoOp
replication was succeeded with index 821.commitIndex=821
for index 821 to the entity since an associated event isNoOp
to 821.ProcessCommand
and then attempted to replicate an event:Replicate(entityLastAppliedIndex=814, ...)
forEntityEvent(Some(entityId), NoOp)
is not sent: solutions
will sendReplica
to an entity also if anEntityEvent
will start replication if non-applied entries contain onlyNoOp