Closed BachoSeven closed 5 years ago
Does things work as expected if you use latexmk
in a terminal? That is, what happens when you run the following command in a terminal?
latexmk -verbose -file-line-error -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -pdf minimal.tex
This is the command that is started by vimtex (if you use the default settings). From you description, it seems to me that the problem is related to you LaTeX environment and not to vim or vimtex.
You are right, it's latex; the minimal.tex returns error even if i compile with pdflatex directly. I will reinstall TexLive from scratch.
Great. I hope things work out!
I'm using
Vimtex(VimPlug, vim-auto-save)
, and experiencing issues with my latexmmk compiling, and probably something related to pdflatex, the output of \lo is:The output of
is :Minimal
:Expected behaviour of
: To compile and show zathura fileActual Behaviour: vimtex: compilation failed, and no pdf.