I recently asked for a feature where activating the InverseSearch functionality would centre and highlight the area in the document where the location was being referenced. @lervag implemented a very nice attempt at this: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/3038
Here was the prototype:
augroup vimtex_event_5
au User VimtexEventViewReverse call CenterAndFlash()
augroup END
function! CenterAndFlash() abort
" Center on cursor position
normal! zz
let save_cursorline_state = &cursorline
" Add simple flashing effect, see
" * https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/3481/29697
" * https://stackoverflow.com/a/33775128/38281
for i in range(1, 3)
set cursorline
sleep 200m
set nocursorline
sleep 200m
let &cursorline = save_cursorline_state
This feature has been very valuable to me during testing. The InverseSearch functionality can sometimes be flakey: for example, it can be unclear if your PDF is 'focused', which means you may need to click 2-3 times for the search to happen. It can be also be hard to detect where in a tex document it is referencing.
I want to propose that this feature be implemented into the core vimtex functionality. Some additional thoughts:
Can the centering operation be made with more visual feedback. Instead of a jump, can the tex document be scrolled, similar to the vim-smoothie plugin? This gives really good visual feedback: it allows you to discern where the document is being jumped to, and the amount it has moved.
Can we implement more distinct highlighting? The current highlight uses the cursorline colour, which is usually very subtle. Some latex editors that do this won't use a highlight but instead use something like a big red dot.
I recently asked for a feature where activating the InverseSearch functionality would centre and highlight the area in the document where the location was being referenced. @lervag implemented a very nice attempt at this: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/3038
Here was the prototype:
This feature has been very valuable to me during testing. The InverseSearch functionality can sometimes be flakey: for example, it can be unclear if your PDF is 'focused', which means you may need to click 2-3 times for the search to happen. It can be also be hard to detect where in a tex document it is referencing.
I want to propose that this feature be implemented into the core vimtex functionality. Some additional thoughts: