lervag / wiki.vim

A wiki plugin for Vim
MIT License
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Wiki.vim creates and saves #241

Closed EricEWeir closed 2 years ago

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

I am fine if this is low priority. I have taken too much of your time already.

On <leader>ww, <leader>w<leader>w, and <leader>wn wiki.vim creates and saves files to a new folder /0.

When in root directory in netrw the new folder is ~/0.

When I navigate to the folder specified by let g: wiki_root =, which is '~/private/var/mobile/library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles/wiki/', /0 is created at '~/private/var/mobile/library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles/‘.

When I issue any of these commands I get the following error message: “Root is specified but target path does not exist.” On <CR> the file is created anyway. When I open the file after saving it I get the same message.

lervag commented 2 years ago

I believe there is something wrong with your let g:wiki_root statement in your vimrc file. Could you post your current vimrc file?

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Karl. My .vimrc follows.

I don’t know what I’m talking about. Speculating on something I vaguely remember hearing once, but I wonder about the space in the fifth segment of the path, I.e., /Mobile Documents/.

I also note in what I reported yesterday that when I issue these commands after I’ve navigated to the directory in the cloud the /0 directory gets created at the point where /wiki/ appears in the path specified in the .vimrc.

set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set fileformats=unix,dos,mac
set guifont=Menlo:h14

set wrap
set linebreak
set display=lastline
set backup

set clipboard=unnamed

set laststatus=2
set statusline=\ %F\ %r\ %l\ %c\ %y
set mousemodel=popup

set spell spelllang=en_us

let mapleader = ","

noremap <Up> gk
noremap k gk
noremap <Down> gj
noremap j gj
noremap ^ g^
noremap $ g$
inoremap jj <ESC>
nnoremap <Leader>be :%s@^\(\s*\)\(=\+\)\s\+\(.*\)\s\+\2\%(\s*\)$@\=submatch(1).

set conceallevel=2 
let g:vim_markdown_follow_anchor = 1
let g:vim_markdown_no_extensions_in_markdown = 1
let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0
let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 6 
let g:vim_markdown_autowrite = 1
let g:vim_markdown_strikethrough = 1

let g:wiki_root = '~/private/var/mobile/library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles/wiki/'
let g:wiki_filetypes = ['md']
let g:wiki_link_extension = '.md'
let g:wiki_link_target_type = 'md'
let g:wiki_write_on_nav = 1
let g:wiki_journal = {
          \ 'date_format': {
          \   'daily' : '%y-%m-%d',
          \   'weekly' : '%y_w%V',
          \   'monthly' : '%y_m%m',
          \ },
let g:session_autoload = 'prompt'
let g:session_lock_enabled = 0
EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

FWIW, for the time being I’m working with my wiki in a local directory. I’ve been getting anxious about being bogged down so long with getting the technology to work, not actually using to think about content.

I’ve made progress in approximating a rough zettelkasten workflow using wiki.vim without any enhancements related to linking or searching for notes. I do <cr> on a critical word creating a markdown file named with the word. After saving the file I do <leader>wr and add an appropriate number in front of current name.

I have a rough index of base topics, each with a number of the form X.0. I use those numbers to guide me in assigning numbers to subsidiary notes. It’s a little cumbersome, workable to the extent it is I suspect because at this point the structure is pretty simple and the number of notes pretty small.

Very likely I will have to rethink the process down the road, perhaps soon. I’ll be looking for ways software could streamline the process, making it less cumbersome, keeping it out of the way of thinking about the subject matter.

lervag commented 2 years ago

I don’t know what I’m talking about. Speculating on something I vaguely remember hearing once, but I wonder about the space in the fifth segment of the path, I.e., /Mobile Documents/.

I believe that should work as expected. After you open Vim (MacVim, iVim, whatever) - no file, just after starting it: can you report the output of :echo g:wiki_root? And, if it looks sensible, the output of :echo wiki#get_root()?

I’ve made progress in approximating a rough zettelkasten workflow using wiki.

That's good. I think it's a good approach; that is, to start just using things, making some real content/notes, and so on.

I'm still not convinced about the value of Zettelkasten, though. To me, it sounds like it makes everything more difficult that it needs to be.

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

After you open Vim (MacVim, iVim, whatever) - no file, just after starting it: can you report the output of :echo g:wiki_root?

~/private/var/mobile/library/mobile documents/com~apple~clouddocs/vimfiles/wiki/

And, if it looks sensible, the output of :echo wiki#get_root()?

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.

I'm still not convinced about the value of Zettelkasten, though. To me, it sounds like it makes everything more difficult that it needs to be.

I’m experimenting. I may come to that conclusion myself.

Yesterday, after I’d worked a while, and made what seemed to be a little progress, I had a sense of accomplishment. And optimism.

Normally my mind is all over the place. I have many interests. They are extremely diverse. (I don’t imagine I am unique in this.)

When I’m focused, whatever the context, I’m capable. But usually I’m not focused. I go around suspended in midair, ungrounded. Not always but a lot of the time.

lervag commented 2 years ago

And, if it looks sensible, the output of :echo wiki#get_root()?

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.

This explains the problem, though. Vim does not recognize the path you specify with let g:wiki_root as a valid path. The function therefore gives a warning. I've just pushed a minor update to include the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output. Can you update and show me the new error message from your end?

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

And, if it looks sensible, the output of :echo wiki#get_root()?

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.

This explains the problem, though. Vim does not recognize the path you specify with let g:wiki_root as a valid path. The function therefore gives a warning. I've just pushed a minor update to include the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output. Can you update and show me the new error message from your end?

Thanks, Karl. I don’t understand “the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output.” My blind eyes don’t see that path.

But in the output this time I see a path:


So is that the path I should be using for let g:wiki_root =i.e., for my directory in the cloud?

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Also wondering if your update to wiki.vim addresses a problem unique to me or if it is potentially relevant to others.

lervag commented 2 years ago

And, if it looks sensible, the output of :echo wiki#get_root()?

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.

This explains the problem, though. Vim does not recognize the path you specify with let g:wiki_root as a valid path. The function therefore gives a warning. I've just pushed a minor update to include the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output. Can you update and show me the new error message from your end?

Thanks, Karl. I don’t understand “the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output.” My blind eyes don’t see that path.

But in the output this time I see a path:


That's what I meant. That the output would now contain a path. The point is, that, if you specify g:wiki_root to a nonexistant directory, then this error message appears:

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.
Target path: /the/path/

My previous update was only to add the second line: "Target path: ...".

What this means, is that the path you specify in your vimrc file does not exist. I.e.,

let g:wiki_root = '~/private/var/mobile/library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles/wiki/'

This path is not a valid directory. To confuse further, it seems from the output you reported:


that you are really using a different g:wiki_root than the one reported earlier? That's not important; the important thing is that the path you specify for g:wiki_root is not valid.

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Karl. I don’t understand “the path parsed by wiki.vim in the error output.” My blind eyes don’t see that path. But in the output this time I see a path: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/BBD512C7-CCA0-47FD-B2F2-0AF17D9D03B5/Documents/wiki

That's what I meant. That the output would now contain a path.

Thanks. I understand.

g:wiki_root is specified but the target path does not exist.
Target path: /the/path/

My previous update was only to add the second line: "Target path: ...".

What this means, is that the path you specify in your vimrc file does not exist. I.e.,

To confuse further, it seems from the output you reported:


that you are really using a different g:wiki_root than the one reported earlier?

As I mentioned yesterday, I had been using a local directory. When you asked me to report the output of those two commands I switched back to the directory in the cloud. I may have switched back to the local directory before you asked me to report again. If so I may have forgotten to switch back to the directory in the cloud before I ran the command and reported back the second time.

That's not important; the important thing is that the path you specify for g:wiki_root is not valid.

Discouraging news. I thought I had lucked out and discovered the correct path. And it seemed to work when I first started using it. In fact it was only a couple days ago that I started getting those /0 directories n strange places.

I guess I’m going to have to be content with local directories, synchronizing, to the extent that I do, by copying directories between devices.

I have yet to get any help from people in the iVim github repository. I imagine the guy who developed iVim, and the :iexdir command, which enables establishing links with external directories, could help me, but rarely get a response from and never have on this issue.

So, again, thanks for your generosity. Sincerely. I imagine I’ll be less of a pest at least for a while.

lervag commented 2 years ago

That's not important; the important thing is that the path you specify for g:wiki_root is not valid.

Discouraging news. I thought I had lucked out and discovered the correct path. And it seemed to work when I first started using it. In fact it was only a couple days ago that I started getting those /0 directories n strange places.

Well, I'm sorry to say I can't help much with this, except perhaps what I've already done: to clarify what this means.

So, again, thanks for your generosity. Sincerely. I imagine I’ll be less of a pest at least for a while.

No problem. I hope you figure things out!