lervag / wiki.vim

A wiki plugin for Vim
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TOC generation does not work properly when document headers have parens #383

Open fmenozzi opened 2 months ago

fmenozzi commented 2 months ago


When calling :WikiTocGenerate on a document whose header has parens, the parens are not URL-encoded and thus conflict with the markdown link syntax []().

Minimal working example

Suppose you have a document like so:

# Title (with parens)

## Heading

## Another Heading

Calling :WikiTocGenerate will produce the following TOC:

* [Title (with parens)](#Title (with parens))
    * [Heading](#Title (with parens)#Heading)
    * [Another Heading](#Title (with parens)#Another Heading)

# Title (with parens)

## Heading

## Another Heading

These links produced in the TOC will not work when using Enter to try and follow them.

I believe the solution would simply be to URL-encode ( and ) in header names when generating the TOC.

lervag commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I agree that this example should preferably "just work". Right now, you will need to customize the url handler, see e.g. :help wiki-advanced-config-2 for an example of how to do it. The example is not precisely what you want here, though.

I'll look into it and see if I can find a simple, viable solution for the default behaviour. I think I should also add a builtin transformer and resolver that is more "in line" with standard Markdown expected behaviour.